Story Copyright © Pure & Simple Collection Vol.1 - Background by Andy's Art Attack

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~ Rain ~

Rain is gentle and versatile. Rain is Mother Nature's version of the regular wash cycle. It can be gentle for delicate items like a fine mist rain on flowers and plants. Sometimes it can be a little stronger, to clean large trees, rooftops, buildings and all the streets from dust, dirt and pollution. It is the deep cleaning and the final rinse all in the same motion. Unlike thunderstorms (the power wash and rinse cycle), rain is gentle and steady. It is nurturing and it is revitalizing while it cleans away all that unwanted residue. It is one of the basic bulding blocks that sustains (and cleans) life.

Think of all the thousands of devoted farmers tending their fields who pray for rain during a prolonged dry spell. They know all too well, the power and importance of rain. Water is their "life-line" to success or failure. Without rain, their crops are doomed to fail. They could be financially ruined and their life-long heritage threatened. Unfortunately, modern science has still not found a substitute for water and probably won't for quite some time. Many farmers have turned to artificial irrigation systems to feed their crops because they cannot rely on rain. Think of the "Great Depression". It was a time in our history when many lives were ruined and it all started because there was virtually no rain in the mid-west for 3 years in a row. They even nicknamed it the "Dust Bowl". Generations of families felt first-hand, the catastrophic effects of that era. Rain is that important.

The one thing about rain is that it can make life a little easier when you know you don't have to tend to the lawn, feed the plants and flowers or wash the car. I bet there are times you may be relieved that it's raining. It can give you that convenient excuse for putting off one of those dreaded jobs around the house. It can be a blessing in disguise. It offers the opportunity for time to concentrate on other indoor things that you may have been putting off for a "rainy day"... Well, guess what ?

Why does everybody like to stay indoors during a rainy day ? Obviously most people don't want to get wet when they aren't prepared for it ! Why ? It is a nuisance and it is a pain to dry off afterwards. It creates lots of extra work. Think of how much time people have to spend to dry off after being out in the rain. They have to preen their hair, carry an umbrella, wear a coat or go through a complete change of clothes. It is all so inconvenient even on those "good hair" days. If you have to drive to work, your car may not perform all that well in the rain (we all dread that day) and you have to use those darn windshield wipers, which may be squeaky or worn-out or just a pain in the ass to try and see through while you are driving. Have you noticed that during the week, most people don't really care all that much whether it rains because they are indoors anyway. You may be relieved that it is raining because you can concentrate on your work that you may truly love, rather than dreaming about your favourite golf course, that bike trip, or vacation you want to go on, or that gardening that has to get done soon. The rain offers one less mental distraction.

Think how good a gentle warm shower feels, even without any soap. Why ? A shower is just clean rain in a controlled enclosed environment. Just like the effects outdoors, an indoor shower is nurturing and revitalizing. Think of all the times you have just stood in the shower letting the warm water dribble down your back and front. It does feel oh so good. Showers are meant to serve more than one purpose and can be an enjoyable way to wash away the stress of the day. Next time you are in the shower, don't use any soap. Wash yourself with only the water. You will be amazed at how soft your skin feels and how refreshed you will feel, even without soap. The key to a nice shower is the shower-head itself. I have a pet peeve about shower-heads. Forget about the water economizer and the fine mist sprayers. Get a shower head that fits your personal needs and lifestyle. If you want to (or have to) conserve water, just take a shorter shower. Don't scrimp on the shower hardware. It is worth its weight in gold. It is a far better thing to have an invigorating shower with a deluge of water for four minutes, than a lacklustre frustrating shower (from lack of proper irrigation) that lasts ten minutes. You can feel a big difference and for basically the same amount of water.

Do you think most wild animals care if they get wet ? Not likely. They don't seem to be any worse for wear after a rain shower. Think about it. If a shower feels that good to humans, don't you think that most animals would like it as well ? Just Look at most dogs when they get wet. They are usually quite happy and invigorated when wet and usually want to stay wet for awhile. If they don't want to get wet , it is usually a sign that there is something wrong with their coat of fur or maybe they fear water. Maybe they hate the brushing afterwards. Maybe they hate the shampoo you use from time to time. Maybe they think they are being punished, especially if they don't think they need to get wet. For the most part, animals appreciate rain as much as we do (even though it may inconvenient from time to time).

Think of all the times you use water to clean things. I can think of a wide variety of items, where I use water (and nothing else) to clean and rinse, where nothing else or anything added will do as thorough, or as good a job. Sometimes the best way to remove stubborn stains is by letting a stained or soiled item(s) stand in hot water for a period of time. The beauty is that you don't add anything. Just let the water itself do its magic. I have amazed myself at how well water works on its own without any detergent or additives.

Many people get annoyed with rain in the summertime because it has a tendency to ruin even well laid-out plans. Oh well, things happen. It is always a good idea to have alternate plans in place should there be an unexpected rain shower. If it is raining, try to do something constructive that will make you feel like you haven't wasted a day. In some parts of the world, it rains like clockwork every day. They don't seem to have a problem with it because they plan accordingly. Let it rain on your parade periodically. You only get a limited number of days on this planet, so you might as well make the most of them, rain or shine.

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- This Storyworx page updated May 10th, 1998 -