Story Copyright © Pure & Simple Collection Vol.1 - Background by Castles In The Sky

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~ Dreaming ~

People are blessed with the unique ability to dream. As far as I know, we are the only animals that can dream because of our gift of intelligence and the ability to think for ourselves. It isn't just instinctive thoughts we have, like needing food or shelter which other animals need to survive. We have the ability to fuel our imaginations, to make wishes and swear promises to ourselves, that no-one else may ever know. It is our secret.

Maybe some animals have a way of thinking about things that are important to them that is sort of like dreaming, but is more just a need or a physical craving. I believe it's just a survival technique though and it is their way of adapting to the world they live in. I often wonder what animals are doing when they're sleeping. Are they really thinking about something or are they just plain tired and need a nap? I remember being at the zoo and seeing these beautiful snow leopards sleeping in the grass during the mid-afternoon. They looked like they were smiling while they were sleeping. They seemed to be quite content just to let the whole world go by. Were they dreaming about something? Maybe they were smiling because their stomachs were full and they were so glad they didn't have to chase any animals and hunt for their food, like they would normally have to do. There was no fear of danger or anything that would make them nervous. They really looked happy with not a care in the world.

I've heard other stories about dogs having nightmares. This one woman in particular I know has a Collie that seems to have these nightmares off and on, especially after a really bad thunderstorm or windstorm. The dog would literally fall asleep and then start shaking and wake itself up. It would whimper and cry and then fall asleep again. It seemed like such an awful thing to happen to a dog. You can't talk to it. You don't know what it is thinking. All you know is that something has got the dog upset and it is bothering their sleep to the point where they are waking up. This woman didn't have a clue what to do, other than being there with the dog when it wakes up so it wouldn't feel frightened and alone. There was nothing else she could do. Was the dog dreaming or was it simply afraid? No-one knows for sure.

I don't think anybody really honestly cares if cats dream; they have a pretty good life just the way it is (thank-you very much). They don't have to work for anything and seem to think they have control over their owners. What could they be possibly dreaming about if they have everything they ask for including an attentive owner who gives you affection and food when you want it. Must be a good life to be a cat. Certainly a life for us to dream about.

We're not just any ordinary animal. We can dream the wildest dreams and think in color and sound and make up stories in our head. We can live in our dreams if we want to. We can change them to suit the mood we're in, or we may choose to have the same dream over and over again because it feels so nice just the way it is.

Wishes are little dreams. They are simple little thoughts that we want to happen. You may wish to see a good friend again. You may wish to find your true love. You may wish to have a pet. You may just be hoping a family member feels better because they are sick right now or you miss them because they have been away so long. It doesn't have to be a big thing, just a good intention.

There are places to wish as well. There are wishing wells, little ponds, rivers, and of course your own bed. Sometimes people throw coins in the water hoping their wish will come true. It gives them comfort. They have sacrificed a penny, a nickel or a dime to have a wish come true. It means that much to them. Wishes can be parts of dreams. Maybe you have a big dream and you need a whole bunch of wishes to come true before the dream can really happen. Your bed is the best place to wish for things and to dream. You can think it through in your sleep and you have all the time in the world to really dive into it. If you want extra power for a dream or a wish, pray for it to come true. Ask someone in your sleep to help you make it happen. You never know; they may be getting your "signal" and will help you. Stranger things have happened.

Dreams are healthy. They prove you are alive. They give you a sense of purpose and a reason for waking up tomorrow. They can give you strength, courage, and hope that things will be better. Dreams help develop your creativity and your imagination. No dream is silly and most dreams can come true if you want them badly enough. You have to work at it, sometimes long and hard, but you can make them happen. That has been proven to be true.

Dreams can be very real. If you learn to "let go" of your mind and really let yourself become an active part of the dream, you can experience some wonderful sensations that you may not have thought possible. You can actually touch, hear, smell and see. Try and prove me wrong. I have had dreams where I thought I was actually awake and then I woke up realizing that I was dreaming.

Don't be discouraged if your dreams aren't coming true or if you are having a hard time seeing a dream ever happen. Things do happen for a reason and if your dream is pure and honest to your heart, it will come true. There is no reason for it not to. You have to let time pass and you have to let the dream sprinkle over to other people. The more people that know your dream, the better your odds of having it come true. They will help you. All you need is faith that everything will work out in the end.

It is a far better thing to dream of new things to make your life better, than to not dream at all. It is a wiser thing to dream of things that could happen rather than things that you know will happen. It is always better to dream about tomorrow then to dream about things in the past. You should make a wish every day. Keep it to yourself. Think of ways to make the wish come true. You may surprise yourself.

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- This Storyworx page updated May 10th, 1998 -