Story Copyright © Pure & Simple Collection Vol.1 - Background by Heartland Carnival

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~ Amusement Parks ~

I have been to a number of very good amusement parks in my time, but there are only a select few that have repeatedly captured my interest and have lured me back to their front gates time after time. For me, amusement parks need only have two ingredients; roller coasters and good hot dogs. It is part of the "staple diet" of my recreation and it is just plain fun. There are so many attractions and sights to see, sometimes more than you can possibly handle in just one day. If you like going to amusement parks, I would suggest a 2-day pass. You need a lot of time to visit and explore without being rushed and you really don't want to miss anything. This is particularly true if you have traveled a long distance just to get there. It is also a wonderful experience to go during the day and then once again at night. An amusement park takes on a whole new dimension and distinct character in the dark (plus there are usually awesome fireworks).

Cedar Point is one of the finest roller coaster parks in the world. If you are a true connoisseur of roller coasters, you already know about this great park and have probably been there once or twice already. It is a "must" for anyone who enjoys the thrill of better, longer roller coasters. You will not be disappointed.

I have to admit that I do have a weakness for good roller coasters. It is my way of letting loose at an amusement park and being a "big kid" again. Roller coasters are amazing works of engineering and technology. I can spend hours looking at the girder framework and track architecture (usually because the line-ups are so long and I have nothing better to do). They look amazingly simple and almost flimsy, yet none of the track sections seems to bend or rattle when one of the "trains" hurdles through the course. You know that these roller coasters are safe because thousands of people have ridden them before you (they can't all be stupid) but somehow there is this incredible fear and excitement just looking at them. Of course they all have names that will help the fear along (like Raptor, Python, Mantis, Blue Streak, Demon Drop, to name a few). You can't help but be a little intimidated by a ride that wants to "eat you" as suggested by those "predatory" names.

The key to successful "coastering" is knowing what kind of thrill you want out of a ride and following your instincts. If a particular roller coaster looks too high or intimidating, chances are it is very good, but it may not be for you. You may feel so much anxiety and fear (just looking up at it) that it just isn't worth the "risk" to you. If you can't see yourself on the ride, or you don't feel the urge to just try it once, don't do it. There are other ones that may be just right for you. There is a big misconception and fear that many of these rides will make you sick. It simply isn't true. I have yet to feel stomach nausea or a severe headache from any good roller coaster. It just doesn't happen. They are built so well and ride so smoothly that this is not even an issue (even after you have finished a meal).

The interesting thing about roller coasters is that once you are "in the ride" your mind becomes paralyzed. Your instincts seem to take over and all you feel is the anticipation of the next descent, steep turn, or loop in the track. You have no idea how your body is going to react and it makes you feel so alive. You have become part of the machinery and your life seems to hang by a thread at its mercy, for just this moment. Time does seem to stand still and before you know it the ride is over. If you are lucky, the whole experience will last maybe 3 to 4 minutes. Oddly enough the sensations are exactly the same even after several circuits. The only difference is that you "know" what is coming the second or third time around. It does help take away some of that fear. The second time on a ride is usually the best (if you can stand waiting in line).

Seat positioning on a roller coaster is also very important. If it is your first time on a ride I would suggest the middle car. If you really like the whip and torque of a roller coaster (whether it be stand-up, suspension, or sit-down) the back seat of the back car is very good and very different from the front cars. If you like to see where you are going, the front car is definitely fun, but it is a totally different ride when compared to the back. Sitting in the very last car gives you the sensation of being "pulled" through the ride while sitting in the very front car gives you the sensation of being "pushed" through the ride. They do feel very different from each other. You will have to experiment with the seating to find where your comfort zone is (I call it the thrill zone).

I know that roller coasters aren't for everybody. There are other "rides" which are just as much fun but are different. The water-rafting rides are really good family fun on a hot summer day and bumper cars are still very popular even after all these years. I myself am not crazy about Ferris wheels or carousels but some people love them. It is just a matter of personal preference. There really is something for every member of the whole family no matter how young or old. Even the games of chance and park exhibits can be interesting and fun.

I have found that a little bit of planning goes a long way. If you really want to experience one particular ride at an amusement park, do it early in the day. Get it out of the way as soon as possible. You may want to do it a second or third time later on in the day or maybe at night. Line-ups are usually shorter first thing in the morning and it will get rid of that pent-up anxiety and anticipation. You will feel so much better and you will be able to really enjoy the park in its entirety afterwards.

If you go as a family there are thing you can do as a family and there are things you can do as "tag teams". You may want to split off into 2 groups and meet later. Mother-son, father-daughter teams can explore different areas of the park, then compare notes and experiences later when they rendezvous. You may want to go as a family during the day, then go just as a couple in the evening (if you can find hotel day-care services). If it is just a day-trip you may want to invite a grandparent along as an alternate guardian when you want to go on rides.

I know that amusement parks aren't for everyone and the prices do make it an expensive proposition as part of any vacation. I think everyone (young or old) should go once a year to a good amusement park, regardless of the expense or timing. It is a very good way to forget about the world and to unload some stress. This is a "must" for children and I am sure they will drag you there sooner or later (probably against your will). You may not have a choice.

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- This Storyworx page updated May 10th, 1998 -