The form results

Here are the results of my form so far. I can’t give dates for when the form was filled out but this is what was written, from the most recent to the first person to fill out my form.

This is Christine.
Her e-mail address is
She is from California.
Her web page is called Christine's Hompepage!
It can be found by going to
She thinks I’m a dork for asking her how often she visits my site.
When asked how she found my page she said, "Quite lovely."
Her comments about filling out my form were...

Ok, I'll confess! I'm guilty! I want to win your award. Please, please, please!!! Thank you! (That is, if you've decided to give it to me)



This is Greg
His e-mail address is
He is from N.C. (whatever that means...North Carolina maybe?).
His web page is called the edge of time.
It can be found by going to
He also thinks I’m a dork for asking how often he visits my site.
When asked how he found my page he said, "Linked from another page."

His comments about filling out my form were...

Just testing.......I have one on my page, but it's not part of my site, it's just a test that I've done, it works, but I just haven't figured out exactly what to do with it yet.....

This is Tobi~Dawne (*Lily* or TheCryingRain)
Her e-mail address is
She is from Toontown, Saskatchewan, CANADA
She has a web site called Kinepik Iskwew (it means snake woman in Cree).
It can be found at
She said she visits my page daily.
When asked how she found my page she said, "Divine intervention."
Her comments about filling out my form were...
Because I am a lovely person, and it makes me happy to know I can help you. **smile** So, since I did this for you, will you do something for me? It's not much, but I helped my brother and sister each put up a page. Could you visit them and sign their guestbooks? You can get to their pages through mine. It would make them very happy I'm sure. Thanks, and many blessings.

This is Steve A.K.A. sdog1 A.K.A. The Highway Man
He says his e-mail address is but I think he is joking.
He is from Long Beach.
He has a web page and it is called Sdog's Homepage.
He wouldn’t give the URL because he says,"You should know, you signed my guestbook."
He says he visits my page yearly.
When asked how he found my page he said, "I have no idea"
His comments about filling out my form were...
So I would have an excuse not to sign your guestbook.

This is Fairieboots.
Her e-mail address is
She is from Fairyland!
She has a webpage called Fairieboots Toadstool.
It can be found at
She said she visit’s my page monthly.
When asked how she found my page she said, "Bijou sent me" (good Bijou!)
Her comments about filling out my form were...

Hey Grrrl!

Oh I was just nosing about you know how nosy we Faeries can be, also I wanted to congratulate you on making the Diamond Thieves! Its good to have friends around you during you new endeavors and you have been a great friend for a long time now (sniff) now I’m getting all mushy and shit, lol, also you taught me mw how to spell friend!!

Hehe thanks for being there...Boots

ps forms are cool...

This is Bill (I'm the nosey 1)
His e-mail address is
He is from Stockton, CA.
He obviously isn’t sure if he has a web page because he said this about the URL, "I've looked and looked and I can't find it!"
He is a dork, because he thinks I’m a dork for asking how often he visits my page.
When asked how he found my page he said, "DUH, you sent me the address expecting me to come!"
His comments about filling out my form were...
4 the halibut & U asked me nicely! 1st time visitor, remember?

This is Jason Molin (my good friend Jammer!!!).
He won’t give his e-mail address because he says, "That would be telling"
He is from Columbus, Ohio, USA.
He has a web page called The Official Jason Molin Homepage.
It can be found at,
He visits my page monthly.
When asked how he found my page he said, "Divine intervention."
His comments about filling out my form were...
Because, it was here to fill out and I wanted to do it, too.

This is Denise.
Her e-mail address is
She is from Florida.
She has a web page and it is called my page.
It can be found at,
She thinks I am a dork for asking her how often she visits my site.
When asked how she found my page she said, "Divine intervention."
Her comments about filling out my form were...

To help you, or something like that... Actually, I don't know why!

This is Deane P. Goodwin.
His e-mail address is
He is from Northwestern PA, USA.
He has a web page and it is called, Blue Musings.
It can be found at,
He said he visits my page weekly.
When asked how he found my page he said, "Linked from another page."
His comments about filling out my form were...
Because you requested I participate in testing your form skills, remember (if not, see your index page) :o)

This is sleastak.
Sleastak’s e-mail address is
Sleastak is from Fatalville, NC
Sleastak visit’s my page weekly.
When asked how he/she found my page Sleastak said, "IT WAS SATAN!"
Comments about filling out my form were...

because I am sleastak and I have to.

This is Mickey Charles Bishop.
His e-mail address is
He is from Pinnacle, North Carolina USA.
He has a web page called, admiral_bishop's web page.
It can be found at,
He thinks I am a dork for asking how often he visit’s my page.
When asked how he found my page he said, "Linked from another page."
His comments about filling out my form were...

To let you know that I've been here!

This is Sam, she is my little sister.
She does not yet have an e-mail address.
> She says she is from earth.
She says her web page is called u suck.
And it can be found at
She says she visits my web page daily
When asked how she found my page she said, "IT WAS SATAN!"
Her comments about filling out my form were...

because you are my very favorite sister who loves me soooo much that you will get me and Jen jamboree tickets!!!

WHEN YOURE NOT NEAR ME I’M BLUE (and that’s all the time)


(She is so sweet when I give her stuff she wants)

This is Angela.
Her e-mail address is
She is from San Francisco
She has a web page and it is called What do you wish you had known?
It can be found at
She thinks I’m a dork for asking how often she visits my site.
When asked how she found my page she said, "Linked from another page."
Her comments about filling out my form were...

Because you signed my guestbook and I am naturally curious, so here I am.

This is Zar the Mighty.
His e-mail
He says he is from, "from where you are from---same planet"
He says he visits my page daily.
When asked how he found my page he said, "Bijou sent me"
His comments about filling out my page were...

because I want too---Hummmmmmmm.....I like free minds and you have one...don’t clamminess...I am really tired.....It is very late at nite and I am still up...excuse my tiredness but I must type this....
Good nite..

This is Astrid.
Her e-mail address is
She says she lives in Nome Alaska, raised in California

When asked how she found my page she said, "search engine."
Her comments about filling out my form were...

because you asked. I looked at your page the other day and your description of someone named Astrid in highschool made me laugh (close- but no cigar). Also I am completely inept with the webtv so I decided to practice. You have a good site, I'll bookmark you and come back often.

This is Kleeo.
Her e-mail address is
She is from Maine, USA.
She has a web page called Kleeo's Place.
It can be found at
She thinks I’m a dork for asking how often she visits my page.
When asked how she found my page she said, "I was surfing and ended up here."
Her comments about filling out my form were...

Because you asked me to, silly! :o) Hope the form works for you......I like being a guinea pig!! I have done this same thing myself...but didn't get very much response! :o(


This is My Name is John.
His e-mail address is
He is from USA.
He has a web page called The Edge of Time.
It can be found at
He thinks I’m a dork for asking how often he visits my page.
When asked how he found my page he said, "Linked from another page."
His comments about filling out my form were...

Because you told me too....btw, I found your page through a g/b at Hal9k"s Discovery Page...his addy,

This is Jeanette Astrand.
Her e-mail address is
She is from Sweden.
She has a web site called jeansie.
It can be found at
She thinks I’m a dork for asking how often she visits my page
When asked how she found my page she said,"I have no idea"
Her comments about filling out my form were...

Cause you told me to!!! And I am such a nice person *s*

This is Jammer (not the same Jammer, a different one).
His e-mail address is
He is from Charleston, SC.
He has a web page called Jammer's Page.
It can be found at
He visits my site yearly
When asked how he found my page he said, "Webring, man!"
His comments about filling out my form were...

Because some strange reason I felt I needed to fill it out! Don't know why. I hope it works for you.

This is Llynx Darkstar.
Her e-mail address is
She is from Michigan.
Her web site is called Hall of Darkstar Gathering.
It can be found at

She thinks I’m a dork for asking how often she visits my web site.
When asked how she found my web site she said, "DUH, you sent me the address expecting me to come!"
Her comments about filling out my form were...

Because I like forms. 'maniacal laughter'

This is bee-{0_0}-.
Her e-mail address is
She is from California.
She has a web site called The Beehive.
It can be found at
She said she visits my page monthly.
When asked how she found my page she said, "I fell through a hole and ended up here."
Her comments about filling out my form were...

..because this space is so tempting to type something in..*L* I’m checking your pad out..and well, hmm thought I'd say hey! and ho! and all that cool stuff..nice form by the way its intensive..It’s got all the basic food groups ..check boxes, spaces to doole words in..a prearranged choice selection box..and by golly gee my favorite..the send button..oops I can’t help it..!! I’m going to click it....

This is Keith.

His e-mail address is

He is from Pennsylvania.
He has a web page called Major League Baseball.
It can be found at
He thinks I’m a dork for asking how often he visits my page.
When asked how he found my page he said, "I didn't mean to come here it just happened."
His comments about filling out my form were...

For the hell of it.

This is Awenydd.
Her e-mail address is
She is from Pleades.
She has a web site called Pencil Stubs Online.
It can be found at
She thinks I’m a dork for asking her how often she visits my site.
When asked how she found my page she said, "I fell through a hole and ended up here."
Her comments about filing out my form were..

To see what there is to see!

This is RON.
His e-mail address is
He is from England.
He does not have a web page.
He thinks I’m a dork for asking how often he visits my page.
When asked how he found my page he said, "It was divine intervention."
His comments about filling out my form were..

because I felt like it, and I am an avid form filler the site by the way is very, very nice more power to your elbow

This is Cy Ann.
Her e-mail address is
She is from Texas.
She thinks I’m a dork for asking how often she visits my page.
When asked how she found my page she said, "I fell through a hole and ended up here."
Her comments about filling out my form were...

I relate to your poetry. It seems to strike home. Especially the "Hate" and the one about your car. The poems about your parents are much the way I feel about mine, I will be back to see any updates. Take care

Thank you all for filling out my form!!!