Welcome to the home of the
Cultural Exchange


The Purpose of this ring to to bring together
people from all over the world with different
outlooks on life with the purpose of
increasing our understanding of
Cultures other than our own.


This ring is open to any site that meets the
following requirement :-

The site must contain no adult material or
have links to any such material.

The site must have some orginal content
(no just "links" sites) that has something
to do with your particular culture.
country or faith - your whole site
doesn't have to be about
just this subject

The site must have no content that is in
any way against another culture,
faith or section of society

The ring fragment must be placed on the page
that you submit to the ring so that
it can be easily found by those
following the ring.




Cultural Exchange
site owned by



Ring ID:
Your Site ID:
You will need to add
your password on the
next webring screen..

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