Run Wild!

NOVO's Library

Run Wild!


Challenge by contradiction, accept by elimination. -- MAJLISH Guru

Dhaka City is the capital of Bangladesh. The government is celebrating 400 years of Dhaka City, based on false history. The Moguls (Mongols) did not found the city in 1608. The city existed long before this. It was a seaport in the Pal era and Shosanko's rule (7th century). It was there even before the Pals and was probably a capital of an ancient formidable empire, the Gangaridae (11th century BC). Gangaridae produced Muslin for which Dhaka is famous. The library wishes to protest the wrong message that the fake celebration conveys. The library also wishes to question the motive behind holding the program on the last day of the Islamic calendar, which will become the first day of the calendar after sunset according to their system.


Flag of Revolution Raised On Pahela Boishakh

Travel through the windows below that bend time and space.

"let reason prevail and the heart stay warm"--Stephan (Milkboy) (Sep 05, 2000)

Last Updated 24th July, 2003

This Library is not about or against any country, ideology or religion. It houses the religious and the atheist, the capitalist and the communist, the revolutionary and the pacifist, the rightwing to the leftwing, etc etc... and will continue to evolve as our knowledge expands. Soon there will be Science pages... from simple lectures to debates... and maybe more. The hope is to bring to viewers a library eclectic in its very nature giving freedom of knowledge to all. Freedom of KNOWLEDGE allows Freedom of THOUGHT and without Freedom of THOUGHT, Freedom of SPEECH is irrelevant. -- NOVO

Dedicated to countries that still lack freedom of speech.


The hosts of the library wish to express great sorrow for the victims of 9/11 and sympathy for the family and friends of the victims and also wishes to congratulate the US for leading the fight against international terrorism (under whatever guise the terrorism may be) and wish them success.

However, can we forgive and forget the war and conquest of Iraq? Saddam may not be a great ruler but Iraq was a sovereign nation. And why are they blind to the rising fundamentalist extremism in Bangladesh?


[independent media centre]

For news that news giants feel you should not hear.

Circumcision Information and Resource Pages

Do you really want to circumcize your son or daughter? Before you mutilate your child, please go to the above site.




In Memory Of  The People Who Died In The World Trade Center

Attack On Humanity

On September 11th, the World Trade Center was devastated by hijacked planes and has resulted in the deaths of about 5000 people. It was an attack on humanity. Moreover, it was not just an attack on Americans but this attack was against all the nations of the world... it was an attack on all humanity. The WTC is indeed an American symbol but it was also a symbol of a borderless world, a world where people of all countries came together to work.


Stwabae Nimagna Hau...

 Enter Majlish

Essays and poetry from Majlish Guru SIRE

Click picture above to enter.The message for the new millenium!

© 2001, NOVO, NOVO's Library, Majlish. All Rights Reserved. Do not reproduce without prior permission. Standard Disclaimers apply. Send permission/syndication requests to,   Thank you. Copyright Notice.




Mental Colonisation NEW

Do you want to convert NOVO?

A speech by NOVO

Quotes and definitions by NOVO

Conversation on sex

Capital Punishment

Ancient India

Mother Teresa



Christianity And Slavery 

Indian Art



Bangladesh Pre-Moghul

Bangladesh 1947-1970 NEW

Bangladesh 1971 NEW

Great Bengalis (Bangalees)

A Brief Time Line Of India

Last Updated April 15 2004

If you don't like your beliefs challenged then you might not want to read these but if you wish to expand your horizons, this is the place.

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© 2001, NOVO, NOVO's Library, Majlish. All Rights Reserved. Do not reproduce without prior permission. Standard Disclaimers apply. Send permission/syndication requests to,  Thank you.

The Pampleteer

A series of essays on Christianity

The complete set will be featured here

August 27th, 2000

© 2001, NOVO, NOVO's Library, Majlish. All Rights Reserved. Do not reproduce without prior permission. Standard Disclaimers apply. Send permission/syndication requests to,   Thank you. Copyright Notice.

Pamphleteer Europa

Rock Temple, India


Religion Archive

Updated 16th June 2000

CLICK ABOVE AND ENTER THE ROCK TEMPLE, for an exhibition on religions... be prepared to be shocked.


Quotes Pages

Majlish Guru SIRE NEW

Ernesto Che Guevara

Albert Einstein

 Indian History NEW


Atheist and Agnostic

Hellen Keller

Wisdom Quotes

Curious and Thought Provoking

Inspirational and Light Hearted



Politics and Society


History and Prehistory

Colonial and Neo-colonial


Women and Equality

Religious Texts

Absurd, Crude and Shocking

Shocking Facts of Noted Personalities and Groups




Click Political Archives for more links


Peru by Yolanda Sala Báez-Duellaert NEW NEW

Aborigines of Australia

Why have second hand opinion? Get to the source and give yourself freedom to decide for yourself. Here you will find a collection of links both from the left and the right. Enjoy!

The Ancient World

One stop for all the civilizations.

Updated 7th August, 2000

BangladeshNEW 7th August 2000

The New Revolution NEW


Bangladesh 1971

The second worst holocaust in history...

Where Are The War Criminals?

Muktir Gaan (Song Of Freedom)

Great Bengalis




Click above to read Sean's poems.

© 2001, NOVO, NOVO's Library, Majlish. All Rights Reserved. Do not reproduce without prior permission. Standard Disclaimers apply. Send permission/syndication requests to,   Thank you. Copyright Notice.

Let your imagination fly free

Pictures borne out of pure imagination. You will love this site. Click picture to enter!

© 1999 Majlish





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NOVO's Library

© 2001, NOVO, NOVO's Library, Majlish. All Rights Reserved. Do not reproduce without prior permission. Standard Disclaimers apply. Send permission/syndication requests to,   Thank you. Copyright Notice.