Mrs. Burnside's
Class Resources

This page tells you what is on each of the pages that have buttons on the left side of the page.  There are many pages here that will be useful in researching and writing papers.

Web Pages I have created

for your use:

Florida Information Pages--This page has several different pages with categorized information about Florida.  There are pages with Florida plants, mammals, marine life, etc.

American History Links--This page has ALL types of links to information and resources on American history.

World History Links--There are several world history links and resources listed here.

Civil War Links--There are many links here to information on the American Civil War.  You should also check the Webrings page, as there are some Civil War Webrings there.  Webrings are chains of sites with similar topics.  You can surf from one Civil War site to another this way.

African History Resources--Here you'll find links to information on African history and African-American history.

Social Studies Resources--This page contains some resources that were not easily categorized as "American history" or "world history," etc.  They are general social studies resources.  In most cases, they have information that would cover more than one area.

Museums--This page has links to several museums, around the world, who have web sites.

Hurricane Resources--This is a long list of resources for hurricane information.  Some sites have up-to-the-minute tracking maps during hurricane season.

Kids Safe Sites--This site lists several web sites that are "kid safe."  There are also a lot of Study Skills Pages.

Government Resources--This page has links to many government branches and agencies.

Today in History--This page has links to several web pages that have searchable lists of events that happened on THIS day in history.  At most sites, you can enter any date and get a list of things that have happened on that day.

Search Engines--This site lists several internet search engines.

Webrings--This page has links to several webrings.  The ones that will help you are the Civil War and History webrings.

NewsStand--This page has links to many newspapers and magazines that have web sites.


These pages created and maintained by Lea Burnside.