(Who's Who in Kapampangan)


 Under heavy    construction

This page is intended to compile a list of people who have Kapampangan roots who by their actions and deeds have made their mark or made significant contributions to society, either within the Kapampangan region, the country as whole, or the international community. These names are compiled from submissions received from the membership of Balen-On Line and Kapampangan-L and come from various sources. If anyone is interested in submitting names for inclusion in the list you may write to Armando A.B. Regala  providing the name and a short profile of the person.

To submit names for inclusion in this page please send them to:

 Armando A.B. Regala at

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 Armando A.B. Regala
email: mandy@emailko.com

This page was last updated on: October 12, 2001