This is a view from Massai Point in the Chiricahua Mountains, about 100 miles south from Globe, and near the famous Arizona town of Willcox. The Chiricahua Mountains were favorite haunts of the Chiricahua Apache people, whose most famous leader was Cochise. Geronimo was also a Chiricahua. The "point" is named for a most curious individual, the Apache Massai (friend of the Apache Kid from the Globe area). When Geronimo and his people were shipped off to Florida, one of the warriors jumped off the train near Kansas City, Missouri. He then made his way back to the Mescalero Apache people in New Mexico. For years he was hunted by Arizona and New Mexico settlers, but he was never captured. It is believed that he was killed by some cowboys in New Mexico, but his wife and children escaped to the Mescalero Reservation, where his descendants remain to this day. Who knows? There may also be some of his relatives still hiding somewhere in the Sierra Madres of Mexico!

Massai also hid very often in these beautiful mountains -- the Chiricahuas. It is interesting to know that the descendants of the Chiricahuas are acquiring land again near their ancestral home. Welcome back!

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