

What is Navratri ? Well, it is the nine days when we are suppose to thank the female principle of nature and the goddesses connected to them. As the agricultural communities had free time only in the evenings (days being too busy with manual labour in the fields), evenings and nights were chosen as the ideal times to celebrate the festival of the goddesses.

In brief, the nine nights are dedicated to the three main goddesses of Hinduism - Parvati, Lakshmi and Sarasvati.

The first three nights are dedicated to the goddess of action and energy. Her different manifestations viz Kumari, Parvati and Kali are worshipped during these days. They represent the three natures/ classes of womanhood - the virgin young girl, auspicious wife/ mother and the angry old hag ! This is not a criticism of women, just a classification. It helps us recognise the different aspects of our own nature.

Lakshmi is worshipped for the next three days in her various aspects as the goddesses of peace, plenty and bliss. Fulfilment is more important than wealth itself. As the goddess of wealth, she governs not just the bank balance, but also such basic things as family, friends, food etc. (read my article on wealth on my site.)

Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge. Not just the knowledge of how to earn a living, but how to "live" aswell. She is the goddess of the spiritual knowledge and the knowledge that frees us from this bind of Samsara. She is worshipped during the final three days of the Navratri.

The nine nights are there for us to revel in the knowledge of the goddesses that live within us, imbibing us with their spiritual energy and power. Used for the good, they help liberate us from the mire of this world. Use these energies unwisely, and they will snare us in the maya of this world.We should meditate of these aspects of the nine nights, that was the reason they originally came into being.

Ofcourse, much has been "added on" since and the nine nights are now as commercial as any other festival. The Gujaratis enjoy the nine nights by dancing them away to the blare of loud music and scant attention is given to the spiritual aspect of the festival. Even the Durga Puja of the Bengalis has been hijacked by commercialism. If you want more info on Kali or Lakshmi and their various aspects, please read the articles on my site - or indeed follow the links to other sites that have info on Hindu gods.

© Bhagwat

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