

Frequently Asked Questions



Student Work:

 What to expect in the third grade. 

First, expect to have some struggles this year as your child is nudged out of their comfortable box and pushed to new heights.  They can do; they WILL do it; and we will get there together!

Next, projects are ongoing and will come with an extended deadline.  Few if any projects are due the next day but ALWAYS ask if you have any questions.

Homework?  I don't like the idea of "homework" but I am a strong believer in incomplete classroom assignments being completed at home.  I will first model the lesson, demonstrate an example, guide the students through similar practice problems, THEN assign class work to reinforce our lesson.  It will be those reinforcement problems that may have to come home to be completed.  The only "homework" I will give is reading 30 minutes every night.

Students are expected to use a variety of strategies to read and comprehend various books, stories, and poems. One method involves sticky notes to keep important details within reach.  Another is a daily reflection on what they read.  We will be meeting weekly in our guided reading groups, somewhat like a younger version of Oprah's Book Club, to discuss various aspects of the books we read and strategies to improve comprehension.

Lastly, I have added some of my beliefs on success and teaching.

I expect only two things of my students;

1. try first 

2. ask questions if they don't understand. 

Nobody is perfect...



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