É tao estranho/Os bons morrem jovens
Renato Russo

Legião Urbana is Renato Russo, Dado Villa-Lobos and Marcelo Bonfá.


Renato Russo was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1960, but began Legiao Urbana in Brasilia in 1983. As the singer and composer of the EMI recording artists Legiao Urbana, he recorded 9 albums and was hailed by critics and fans as the most important rock debuts in Brazilian music history. Renato Russo died on october 11, 1996.

A few years ago, EMI-Brazil re-released all Legiao Urbana's albums on CD in a limited edition luxurious box set, which sold out overnight and is now considered a collector's item.


"He was the biggest Brazilian pop idol in the 80s until mid 90s. Renato
Manfredini Júnior was born in Rio de Janeiro, on March 27, 1960, and died of
AIDS, in the same city, on October 11, 1996. Singer, songwriter, guitar player
and one of the most brilliant pop lyricits in Brazil, Renato used the second
name Russo inspired upon the French musicist and philosopher Jean-Jacques
Rousseau (1712-1778). Renato Russo was the leader of Legião Urbana (Urban Legion)
band, one of the most important ones in the Brazilian rock in the 80s along Dado
Villa-Lobos (guitar) and Marcelo Bonfá (drum). Before Legião, Russo had a punk
group in Brasilia city called Aborto Elétrico (Eletric Abortion). In 1993, still
in the band, he began a successful solo career releasing The Stonewall
Celebration Concert album (1993), in English; Equilibrio Distante (Distant
Balance, 1995), in Italian; and also had a posthumous album called O Último Solo
(The Last Solo, 1997). In the same year, an interview book was released. His
name, his strong and charismatic public image and work are still the reason to
an impressive frequent press production in Brazil. He's turned into one of the
moderns Brazilian heroes". (UpToDate)

"Mira, no nos gusta hablar de religiones y esas cosas, pero Legiao Urbana es
para nosotros, una religión. Lamentablemente, escucho muy poca música ahora y lo
poco que escucho es Legiao Urbana básicamente como material de consulta. Renato
Russo es impresionante. Tenían rock, folk, baladas, heavy y las letras eran
encontrarse así mismo en una canción. Ese tipo de personas no llegan a vivir
mucho porque tiene tanta sensibilidad que tienen que pasar a mejor vida porque
no soportan(...) Se fue, pero quedo su música. Y eso es universal". (Attaque

"I recently conducted a poll among some of my English students, and Legião Urbana is among the
 favorite bands of present-day teenagers who weren't even aware of their existence in their recent childhoods".
(Ernest S. Barteldes - USA)


Marcelo Bonfá and his solo album:

Marcelo Bonfá official homepage
Dado Villa-Lobos official homepage