About the Author

Greetings. My name is Scott Selisker, and I am a high school senior living in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. I wrote these pages during my freshman year, at age 14, when I was an ardent fan of the artists discussed here. At this point, I've moved on to Beethoven, REM, and Baudelaire, so I'm not a particularly fun person to converse with about good old Led Zeppelin. I've kept this page up, however, because a lot of people have enjoyed it, and I figured it would be my big contribution to the e-world. Retrospectively, I'm pretty sure that Robert Plant generally just mentioned things from Tolkien works as a sort of pop culture reference, writing most of his lyrics with traditional rock poetry topics and occasionally alluding to Tolkien as a source of symbolism. So, now that you've read that, if you would like to e-mail me to discuss something (please, no multiple-listing mailings), feel free to do so, at Scott Selisker. Thank you.