SUBJECT: EJ (F, 20)            DATE: APRIL 6, 1977
 P 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |    QUESTION AREA #1: UFO SIGHTED
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |MC: I want you to imagine yourself, now, in a meadow in the
| | | | | | | | | | | mountains. A beautiful little meadow.... green grass...
| | | | | | | | | | | I want you to imagine that in your mind's eye, you look up
| | |X| | | | | | | | overhead. You're going to see a flying--a U--an unidentified
| | | | | | | | | | | flying object. And I want you to tell us from this moment
| | | | | | | | | | | every detail of what you see.
|P| | |X|X| |X| | |X|EJ: Uh--it's sudden, it comes upon me suddenly. Uh--it's a
| | | | | | | | | | | cloudy day, so--but the clouds are light clouds, so it
|2| | | | | | | | |2| stands out dark against it. Uh--it looks metallic...and
|P| | | | | | | | |X| it appears to be sort of--uh--I guess saucer-shape was too
|P| | |X| |X| | |X|X| uh--sounds too typical. It's--sort of stops, and seems to
|P| | | |X| |X| | |2| be looking at me. And--uh--I don't get to see it very long,
| | | |X| | | | | |X| but long enough to know it's there.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: Why don't you get to see it very long?
| | | | | | | | | |X|EJ: It's gone away.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: In your mind's eye, I want you to imagine that UFO stays
| | | | | | | | | | | there, so that you can just look at it as long as you want
| | | | | | | | | | | to. That UFO is back.
| | | | | | | | | | |EJ: Um-hm.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: Now tell me the--every detail of that--describe it.
| | | | | | | | |X| |EJ: Uh--see. It--uh ... has three windows. Uh--but there's--
| | | | | | | | |X| | not like the kind that I can see in. They're sort of like
|P| | | | |X|X| | |2| --TV screens. And--uh--looks more like a hat, in a way. The
| | | | | | | | | |X| TV screens are on the--top part of the hat with the--broad
|P| | | | | | | | |X| lower brim--uh--just kind of plain. I guess mainly it's very
| | | | | | | | | |X| modernistic looking, so it doesn't have a whole lot of detail
|P| | | | | |X| | |X| to it. It appears to hover and doesn't seem to make any
|2| | |X|X| |X| | |2| noise. It seems to be getting smaller and larger.
| |X| | | | | | | | |MC: Do you see any lights on it?
| | | | | | | | | |X|EJ: Lights ... hm. No, uh--perhaps the windows are a little
| | | | | | | | |X|X| bit lighter than the rest of it, or brighter. Maybe it would
| | | | | |X| | | |X| look different if it were night.
| | | | | | | | | | |MC: OK, now EJ, you're doing a beautiful job. I want you to
| | | | | | | | | | | just stay relaxed while we talk amongst ourselves.
| | | | | | | | | | | (INVESTIGATORS CONFER)
Comments on Question Area #1: UFO Sighted
EJ was one of our best Imaginary subjects. She maintained a good deep 
trance, used present tense throughout, and imagined a strong flow of 
good narrative events, often with sharp perception. She used more 
perinatal imagery than any of the first four subjects discussed here, 
her sketches were the most detailed, and hers was probably the most 
intriguing session overall. 
EJ first sees a dark metallic saucer, which stops in mid-air (a 
familiar pattern), and she joins the three other Imaginaries here by 
thinking it is watching her. Like RM she is a bit discomfited because 
it's "too typical," and the UFO quickly goes away. When MC directs 
EJ to bring it back, the UFO is hat-shaped with three opaque windows 
like "TV screens" above a broad rim -- a bit more unusual. (Note 
that her UFO sketch, like RM's, differs slightly from her verbal 
description.) It hovers and she can't hear any sound. The UFO also 
changes size, getting alternately smaller and larger as she watches 
it -- a strange pattern that other Imaginaries and many "real" 
witnesses have reported. MC cues her for lights but she doesn't 
see any, though she adds reasonably enough that she might have seen 
lights if it were nighttime.
The TV screen-like windows on EJ's UFO are interesting because similar 
TV screens are common in "life review" segments of CE3s, NDEs, birth 
memory regressions, and other abduction analogs. Their use here 
suggests that she might have been urging us to move to that question 
area as we would have done, had she been a "real," or had our protocol 
employed a life-review segment. (She does look at the windows briefly 
while inside the UFO.)
While in trance, some of our Imaginary subjects seemed to have an 
intuitive anticipation of the abduction sequence, either the next 
segment or somewhere we had not scheduled them to go. We wondered 
how Imaginary subjects could know the "way" so well. We found out 
later, but such mysterious events as these kept our work intriguing.











 P 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
| | | | | | | | | | |    QUESTION AREA #2: ABOARD UFO
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |MC: OK, EJ, now as I say, you're doing beautifully well.
| | | | | | | | | | | The second situation that we want you to imagine is,
| | |X| | | | | | | | I want you to imagine that you have been--that you are aboard
| |X| | | | | | | | | the flying saucer.
| | | | | | | | | | |EJ: OK.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: How did you get there?
|P| | | | | |X| | |2|EJ: Hm. It didn't land. Uh--kind of drawn into, I guess. Like
|P| | | | | | | | |X| a--uh--gentle suction. I--uh--guess for some reason I didn't
|P| | |X| | |X| |X|X| get up and run in the field and it--it just sort of drew me up
|P| | | | | |X| | |2| into it, sort of through the bottom, I think. Like--uh--some
|2| | | | | |X| | |2| sort of tunnel of air and light, drawing me up inside
|P| | | | | |X| | |X| of it. And--uh--let's see, I'm inside of a tube when I
|P| | | | | | | |X| | first come in. Uh--let's see ... hm ... I don--
|P| | |X|X| |X| | |X| I feel kind of like I'm--growing smaller... I'm not sure
| | | | |X| | | | |X| what--uh--I'm not sure if I see anybody. Uh--let's see.
Comment on Question Area #2: Boarding UFO
Perinatal data: EJ was the third successive Imaginary Abductee to enter 
through their UFO's bottom, and the second to have been drawn up through 
a large body-tunnel (made of "air and light") lowered from a hovering 
craft. She is inside the closed transparent tube (as if in an amniotic 
sac) when she enters the UFO. The symbolism here is a bit complex. 
The placental UFO with a tube dangling below it is an obvious 
placental/umbilical symbol. Yet the boardings of EJ and the other 
subjects contain clear suggestions of cervical openings and vaginal 
tunnels -- all of these unquestionably involving perinatal imagery 
and processes.
As EJ points out, the UFO "didn't land." Perhaps it could have landed, 
with the aliens dragging EJ into the ship and taking off. But their 
method was neatly done and quick as thought. Still, EJ, RM, and JM 
all entered into their alien UFO via awkward and improbable processes. 
These processes mirror certain human anatomical and physiological 
functions that are directly suggestive of human birth. There is 
plenty that is relevant to man, woman, and Earthly life about such 
processes -- but can they be nearly as "alien" in character as they 
are mundane (i.e., Earth-bound) and perinatal?
Aboard the UFO, EJ, like RM before her, feels momentarily as if she's 
growing smaller. However strange, illusions of body-size changes are 
a fairly frequent pattern in both real and Imaginary narratives. 
(Grof finds such data in his revivified birth memories.) It may 
also relate to emotional memories of the rapid anatomical changes 
during embryonic/fetal development. Here it may specifically reflect 
EJ's response to the compression of her entry tube versus the rather 
large size of the room in the UFO -- it is a true "big room" -- 
which situation is a frequent perinatal and CE3 pattern.
EJ, like other Imaginaries, anticipates correctly that something may 
be watching and/or awaiting her. As we have said above, this 
intuitive awareness of being watched by others can be associated 
with an urge to participate in a bonding experience.
 P 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
| | | | | | | | | | |    QUESTION AREA #3: THE UFO INTERIOR
| | | | | | | | | | |
| |X|X| | | | | | | |MC: All right, now, EJ, you're aboard the flying saucer, now.
| |X|X| | | | | | | | I want you to look around that flying saucer and describe
| | | | | | | | | | | what it looks like on the inside.
| | | | | | | | | |2|EJ: OK. Uh--lots of lights, panels of lights, uh--um, let's
| | | | | | | | |X|X| see. There are--two decks, a low and an upper. Uh--and
| | | | | | | | | |2| all around there seem to be--uh--kinds of instruments that
| | | | | |X| | | |2| I don't know what they do. Uh--I see tables, in the center--
|2| | | | | |X| |X|X| everything looks really metallic--uh--there is a ladder
| | | | | | | | |X| | of some sort going on to the upper deck. Guess that seems
| | | |X|X| |X| |X| | a little bit strange; if they can beam me aboard, it--
|P| | | | | | | |X| | they would have a ladder. And then--uh--I guess up there--
| | | | | | | | |X|X| guess where the windows would be looking out--so I really
|P| | | | | | | | |2| can't see out. All the walls are solid--with these various
| | | | | | | | | |2| panels of light. Uh--large light, hanging down from the roof,
|P| | |X|X| |X| | |X| sort of reminds you of--uh--operation table type--lots
|P| | |X| | | | |X|2| of--lot of lights, fills the whole room. Uh--three tables,
| | | | | | | | | |X| I don't know why there are three tables. But there's
| | | | | | | | | | | three tables. I sort of came in--I guess I came in the
|P| | | | | | | | |2| center of the ship. I can see around. That's about all.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: OK, let me help you with the question, EJ. You mention
| |X| | | | | | | | | that there was peculiar-looking instruments that you've
| | |X| | | | | | | | never seen before. Could you describe some of those
| | | | | | | | | | | instruments to us?
|P| | | | | |X| | |X|EJ: OK. Uh--some of them look like dentists' things, with arms
|P| | |X| | | | |X|X| on them for--wh--drilling and poking, and probing and--uh--
| | | | | | | | | | | ... it looks a lot like--like things that would be used for
|2| | |X| | |X| | |3| various types of surgery. Hoses, tubes...
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: Could you tell me how you feel?
| | | | | | | | | | |EJ: How do I feel? Uh--kind of--I guess, physically I feel
|P| | |2| | | | |X|2| fine. Light, kind of--uh--got enough air. Uh--think it's a
|P| | |X| | | | | |2| little cool, and I'm not scared to death, but uh--just keep
| | | |X|X| | | |X|X| looking around and nothing's happening.
| | | | | | | | | | |MC: All right, that's fine.
| | | | | | | | | | |(INVESTIGATORS CONFER)
| |X|X| | | | | | | |MC: How big would you say this flying saucer is?
| | | | | | | | | | |EJ: Hm... Uh--not good with numbers, but--let's see. I'd
|P| | | | | | | | |X| say, the diameter? Would be about--thirty feet. And
|P| | | | | | | | |X| probably about fifteen or twenty feet high.
| | | | | | | | | | | |MC: All right. Now, EJ, you're doing very, very well.
Comments on Question Area #3: UFO Interior
EJ's description of the UFO interior is a little more specific than 
most, listing many objects and presenting them clearly; like other 
abductees real and Imaginary, however, her account of alien hi-tech 
is vague and generalized. She estimates the area's diameter as 30 
feet by 20 feet high (a big room). There are upper and lower 
circular decks that are lined with instruments, walls of lighted 
panels, and a ladder. Everything seems metallic. There are three 
operating-type tables with a large light overhead, and instruments 
with hoses and tubes she imagines are for drilling, probing, and 
surgery. (Her sketch of these instruments shows them sticking out 
of a (placental) container; they look like long, thin umbilical 
tubes, which is close to the use they are put to during her 
examination.) Their similarity to dental equipment 
anticipates by a decade Jacobs' subjects' mention of dental-type 
instruments on their UFOs.
The ladder to the upper deck seems strange to EJ, for if they can 
beam her aboard what need for ladders? She's probably right, of 
course. But psychohistorians see the ladder as symbolizing a 
placenta, specifically the crossing network of blood veins on its 
late-stage inner surface. Ultra-sound recordings in the third 
trimester show that the increasingly rough and leathery placental 
vein network is often touched, stroked, kicked and otherwise 
handled by the fetus, particularly in the difficult last trimester 
when the placenta is less efficient with oxygenation and waste 
removal. (Face it: the fetal/placental relationship is a major 
source of perinatal memories.)
EJ says she's feeling OK but she keeps "looking around and 
nothing's happening." She is still anticipating meeting someone 
or something.


 P 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
| | | | | | | | | | | QUESTION AREA #4: ENTITIES
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: I want you to imagine, now, that you're seeing some
| | | | | | | | | | | entities, or beings, on board that UFO. I want you to
| | |X| | | | | | | | describe them as completely as you can.
| | | | | | | | | | |EJ: OK. They--uh--
| | | | | | | | | | |MC: They? How many are they?
| | | |X| | | | | |X|EJ: Two, I think.
| | | | | | | | | | |MC: All right.
|2| | | | | |X| | |2|EJ: They're--uh--humanoid, like. Two arms, two legs, head.
|2| | | |X| |X| |X|X| But--they're not wearing any clothes. They don't need to.
|P| | | | | |X| | |X| Uh--what color are they? Their skin is kind of like naugahyde.
|2| | | | | |X| | |2| Sort of--very solid. No wrinkles. They're--uh- --their heads
|2| | | | | |X| | |2| are--bald, there's no hair--on them. Uh-- smooth,
|P| | | | | | | | |X| everything is very smooth. Their eyes ... let's see
|2| | | | | |X| |X|X| ...uh--they're large, and ... they're bright. Uh--
|P| | |X| | |X| |X| | kind of look like they're looking at you but they're not
|P| | | |X| | | |X|X| looking at you. It's not like--when a human face looks
| | | | | | | | | |X| at you and you know that they're concentrating on you and
|P| | |X|X| | | | |2| you can look at them and think that they're feeling
|P| | |X| | |X| | |2| something. You can't see any expressions on their faces.
| | | | |X| | | | | | Uh--let's see. I kind of get the feeling that they don't
|2| | | | | |X| |X|2| have any noses. And--very soft, round mouths.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: What did you say about their noses?
| | | | | | | | |X| |EJ: They don't have any.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: Just a flat spot there, or is there a hole there, or what?
| | | |X| | | | |X| |EJ: Um--looks like nothing.
| | | | | | | | | | |MC: OK.
|2| | | | | |X| | |2|EJ: And they just have round mouths. No lips... Uh--their
|P| | | | | | | | |X| hands are like ... um ... they're smooth, too. They
|P| | | |X| |X| | |X| don't have--no wrinkles. Doesn't seem to have to use his
|P| | | | | | | |X| | hands very much. Uh--feet don't have any--
| |X|X| | | | | | | |MC: Describe his hands.
|P| | | | | | | |X| |EJ: Uh--they're kind of ... it's not really webbed, it's
|P| | | | | | | |X| | not like that, it's--but it's not like bony fingers.
|P| | | | | |X| |X|X| They're soft. They--kind of look--like--short fingers.
|3| | | | | |2| | |2| Uh--soft, all round. No toe nails, fingernails. I
|P| | | | | |X| | |X| don't know if they have thumbs.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: How many?
|2| | | |X| |X| | |X|EJ: Think there's only four. Very soft. They don't need to--
|P| | | | | | | |X| | they just don't have any sharp ends.
| | | | | | | | | | |MC: OK.
|P| | | | | |X| |X|X|EJ: I don't think they have toes. Smooth feet. It almost looks
|P| | | | | | | | |X| like they're wearing a stocking over them, or something. I
| | | | | | | | |X| | don't think they are, but that's what it looks like.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: How tall are they?
|P| | | | |X| | |X| |EJ: Hm. They're ... they're about six feet.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: Does there seem to be a leader?
| | | | | | | | | |X|EJ: One is standing closer to where I am than the other one is.
| | | | | | | | | |X| Uh--but--uh--there's no way of telling that one would be
| | | | | | | | | |X| any--rank or anything like that. Uh--just appears as if
| | | | | | | | | |X| one is approaching me and the other is standing a little
| | | | | | | | | | | bit behind.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: Are they talking to you?
|2| | | | | | | |X|X|EJ: Uh--yeah. He's talking to me. Uh--I'm in the tube,
|P| | | | | |X| | |X| still, so--uh--his mouth makes motions, but I can hear
|2| | | | | |X|X|X|X| him inside the tube but not through the tube.... Uh--he
| | | |X| | | | | |X| doesn't seem to alarm me. Uh--I think he's trying to tell
|P| | |X|X| |X| | |X| me to--just to be calm.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: How do you feel about all this?
| | | |X| | | | | |X|EJ: I don't know. I guess--uh--I kind of feel afraid
| | | | |X|X| | | |X| that--uh--they seem to be--men, I don't know why, but
|P| | |X| |X| | |2| | they seem big and--and very--masculine. I don't know,
| | | |X| | | | | |2| I guess I'm afraid that, being a female they might--
|P| | |X| |X| | |X| | I don't think they'd rape me, but they might be
|P| | |X| |X| | | |2| particularly fascinated with a--female of the human
| | | | | | | | | | | species.
| | | | | | | | | | |MC: Now you mentioned that they were moving closer to
| | |X| | | | | | | | you. Could you tell me how they're moving?
| | | | | | | | | |X|EJ: Just walking, softly.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: Putting one foot in front of the other?
| | | | | | | | | |X|EJ: Yeah.


Comments on Question Area #4: Entities 

EJ's humanoid entities are the nearest thing to a "gray" of any entities 
in our first eight Imaginary regressions. (In the old days, abductees 
reported all six types of entities.) EJ's entities could not be grays, 
of course, since in 1977 the fantastic concept of slanted, bug-eyed 
alien genetic hybridizers didn't exist. They have other differences 
with the typical fetal humanoid types as well, being that they are 
six feet tall and their eyes and heads are not abnormally large; but 
generally there are many familiar humanoid patterns in EJ's account. 
(Incidentally, MC as usual merely asks a few monosyllabic questions; 
the rest is all EJ.)
She tells us the entities don't wear clothes because "they don't need 
to" -- whatever that means. Later, however, she says they have no toes 
and it looks like they are wearing a stocking garment but "I don't 
think they are." No clothes means no external genitals (presumably 
-- whatever that means!)). They have only four fingers, which are 
short, soft, round, and without nails, and she doesn't see a thumb. 
Their skin everywhere is like naugahyde, with no wrinkles, and they 
are hairless. Their heads are not out-sized, and they seem to have 
no nose at all, and "very soft, round mouths" that are lipless (a 
pattern). EJ doesn't mention ears, but her illustration leaves 
them out.
Alien eyes are probably now and forever their most infamous feature, 
and EJ's words -- she is searching for an apt impression of the 
alien's face with their large, bright eyes -- are at once gripping 
and disturbing: it's " they're looking at you but they're 
not looking at you. It's not like -- when a human face looks at 
you and you know that they're concentrating on you and you can look 
at them and think that they're feeling something. You can't see 
any expressions on their faces."
Not bad for an Imaginary Abductee! (These aliens apparently offer 
EJ no emotion, and therefore no bonding potential, unlike RM's very 
positive connection with her entity; more about which later.)
One of the two entities may be the leader. And EJ informs us that 
for some time now she has been sealed up inside the entry tube 
(making it more like an amnion). When the leader talks to her, 
moving his mouth, she can't hear his voice through the tube, but 
she hears his meaning in her mind. (Not quite telepathy, maybe, 
but very close.)
MC asks her how she feels about all this, and EJ responds with a 
very normal sexual fear. "I kind of feel afraid that...they seem 
to be men...they seem big and -- and very -- masculine...I don't 
think they'd rape me, but they might be particularly fascinated 
with a -- female of the human species." Her sexual apprehension 
persists through most of the remainder of her experience.
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| | | | | | | | | | | QUESTION AREA #5: EXAMINATION
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: All right. Now, I want you to imagine that you're
| | | | | | | | | | | undergoing some type of physical examination. I want you
| | | | | | | | | | | to describe to me what's happening.
|P| | |X| | | | | |X|EJ: Uh--I'm laying on one of those tables. Uh--that one
| | | | | | | | | |X| that was closest to me still seems to be the one that's in
|P| | |X| | | | | |2| charge of things. Uh--my heart is beating really fast
| | | |X|X|X|X| | |X| because I'm really scared, even though he's communicated
|P| | |X| | | | | |X| to me not to be afraid. I don't know if he understands
| | | | | |X| | |X|X| how much a human-- you know--can take, or what he
|P| | | | | | | | |X| can do to me that--that it will be all right, and
|P| | |X|X|X|X| | |2| what it won't. And if he's going to inject anything
| | | |X| | | | | |X| in me or not. Uh--I'm praying, but I'm not closing my
|P| | | | |X| | |X|X| eyes because I'm staring at this being.
|2| | |X| | |X| | |2| I'm afraid of him. Uh--he's got me strapped down.
|2| | |X| | | | | |2| A strap across my arms, and one across my lower leg.
| | | | | | | | | |X| Uh...he's doing things like I guess--checking out
|2| | | | | | | | |2| heartbeat, taking a blood test--
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: How is he doing that?
|P| | | | | | | | |X|EJ: of those machines for taking the blood...
|P| | | | | |X| | |X| It's like a needle on the long end of one of those
|2| | | | | |2| | |2| tubes. So, it just--took it out real quick.
|P| | | | | | | | |2| Almost like a vacuum. Uh--and his fingers are kind
|P| | |X| |X|X| | |X| of cold and clammy...
| | | | | | | | | | |(MC IS INTERRUPTED BRIEFLY)
| | | | | | | | | | |MC: What's happening now?
|P| | | | | | | | |X|EJ: Well, they're--seems like my clothes have kind of
|P| | |X| | |X| | |2| disintegrated. I just feel--strange. Uh--cold and
|P| | |X| | | | | |X| hot. Uh--the other one is--seems to be down at my
|P| | | | | | | | |2| feet. Checking bone structures, feeling my toes and my
| | | | | | | | | |X| ankle and legs and--guess he's--he--they don't seem
| | | | | | | | | | | to have--like when he touches me, he doesn't seem to
|P| | | | | |X| | |X| be--like bony fingers. Maybe he's interested that
|2| | |X|X| | | | |2| I have bones. Uh--they're gentle, they're not harsh.
| | | | | | | | | | | They--uh--they got one of those --they got that
|P| | |X| | |X| |X|X| machine with all of those things up there. I'm not
| | | |X| | | | | |X| sure what all they're trying to do.
|P| | | | | |X| | |X| Uh--they--took some of the air I'm breathing from out
|P| | | | | | | |X|X| of my mouth--I breathed into a tube. Uh--he's wiping
|P| | |X| | | | | |X| the sweat off of my forehead and my chest, and
| | | | |X| |X| | |X| ... seems to want to analyze it. They're taking
|P| | | | | |X| |X|X| saliva tests--that went down another tube. Uh...
| | | |X| | |X| | |X| checking out... uh--my breasts kind of--it's kind of
|P| | | | | | | |X|X| like being in the doctor's office, I guess, you kind
| | | | | | |X| | |X| of--he doesn't seem to be at all sexually aroused. It
|P| | |X| | | | | |X| seems so clinical I guess it doesn't really bother me.
|P| | |X| | |X| | |X| Uh--he keeps poking me... They're--I guess
| | | | | | | | | | | they're going to... check and see--they're doing like
|P| | | | | |X| | |2| an X-ray... it's my whole body, all looking up to see
|2| | | | | | | | |2| ... my genitals, my uterus, all that. They seem to
|P| | | | | |X| | |2| be able to ... light up the area and be able to see
| | | |X| |X| | | |2| inside. Aw, I'm just really sweating now, it's just
|P| | |X| |X|X| |X|X| really bothering me. It's not painful, it just--just
| | | |X| | | | | |X| bothers me.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: Can you move?
|P| | | | | | | | |X|EJ: No, I really can't. They've got me pretty well
|P| | |X| | | | | |X| strapped down. I--I suppose I could scream and
| | | | | |X| | |2| | yell if I wanted to, but don't think it would do a lot
|P| | | |X| | | | |X| of good... They want to take some skin. Just a
|P| | |X| | | | |X|X| little bit. Just going to cut it off my arm. He's
| | | | | | | | | | | doing it with--it's just--some--another one of
|2| | | | | |2| | |2| those arms of that machine. Just kind of--clip it off
| | | |X| | | | |X|X| real fast; it didn't seem to bother me, but it's
|P| | |X| | |X| | |2| bleeding. And they seem to be--want some of the
| | | | | | | | | | | blood--uh-- that I'm bleeding there, too. And they
|P| | |X|X| |X| | |X| just--it's not bleeding anymore.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: How did the bleeding stop?
| | | | | | | | | |X|EJ: I don't know. It just kind of--see, I think he
| | | | |X| |X| |X| | puts something on it, but it wasn't like a salve or a
|P| | | | | |X|X|X| | ointment or anything. Kind of like a--spray. I don't
| | | | | | | | | |X| know where it came from.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: All right. Is there anything else you want us--to tell
| | | | | | | | | | | us--about the examination?
|P| | |X| | |X| | |X|EJ: Oh ... he's feeling my head. Like--like the
|2| | | | | | | | |2| bumps and things. Checking out the size ... Funny,
|P| | | | | | | | |2| I can just look into his eyes and I can't seem to get
|P| | |X|X|X|X| | |X| anything, any emotion or anything.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: Do you think they're beings, or do you think
| |X| | | | | | | | | they're robots.
|P| | | | | | | |X|X|EJ: I don't know. Think he's a being, because he
|P| | |X| | |X| | |X| feels like a being when he touches me.
| | | | | | | | | | |MC: All right.
Comments on Question Area #5: Examination
EJ goes through a series of events that have parallels with typical 
neonatal deliveryroom procedures: examination, probing, medication, 
foot printing, bath, blanketing, and (later, with the mother or other 
parent figure) bonding. The parallels are symbolic and proximate 
rather than physically identical, and they also reflect more mature 
matters such as sexual emotions and significant past personal events. 
These are the products of mature experiences, but they become part of 
the dynamic contexts of perinatal remembrances. After all, it is not 
EJ as a neonate who is going through these perinatal flashbacks, it is 
EJ the 20-year-old adult; and her perinatal perspectives are not 
limited to an infant's life experiences.
EJ is strapped down on one of the tables and may be remembering back 
when she was a neonate wrapped snugly in a blanket, and maybe 
frustrated because she was unable to move for the first time in her 
life. EJ is "really scared, even though he's communicated to me not 
to be afraid." The leader's telepathic words do not calm her (that 
is an atypical pattern), and her heart races. She wonders if he knows 
the limits of human endurance, and what he can do to her, or inject 
her with (the Freudians will note that carefully!). She is praying, 
and she stares at him and knows she is afraid of him. (Quite a moment 
-- a horrific instance of non-bonding?)
The leader, always clinically objective and unemotional, though gentle, 
checks her heartbeat and takes blood for a test, using the dental 
tube-like instruments she saw earlier -- a needle on the tube end 
vacuums the blood out quickly. She notes that his soft fingers are 
"kind of cold and clammy." (Is this a memory of a rubber-gloved hand 
of a doctor or nurse?)
EJ's clothes have now "disintegrated" and she feels strange flashes 
of cold and heat (common in Grof's birth revivifications). The other 
entity checks her feet, toes, ankles, and legs -- she wonders if he is 
interested in the fact that she has bones, because she can feel that 
they may not have bones in their fingers. They are using the 
instruments on her body but she doesn't know what they are trying 
to do. (Foot printing for ID?)
She breathes into one tube and puts a saliva sample in another tube 
(umbilical parallels). The alien wipes sweat off her forehead and 
chest and collects it for analysis (this suggests bathing procedures). 
The leader checks her breasts -- again she tells us he's not aroused, 
that it's like a doctor's office. 
But he keeps poking her. They do a full-body X-ray, and they look 
at "my genitals, my uterus, all that." She sees that body area all 
lit up so they can see inside, and it is too much for EJ: "Aw, I'm 
just really sweating now, it's really bothering me." She is not in
pain, but the emotional discomfort is real. She thinks of screaming 
but is certain it would do no good.
Now they want "just a little bit" of skin from her arm. They are 
using a machine, and it's quick and painless, but it's bleeding. 
They take some of that blood, too. Then suddenly the bleeding is 
somehow stopped. He feels her head, checking the bumps and its size. 
(The neonate's fontanels, or unfused skull areas, are normally 
checked carefully.) At this point she looks directly into the 
leader's eyes, "and I can't seem to get anything, any emotion or 
anything." (A potential moment of bonding doesn't occur!) But 
when MC suggests they might be robots she says no, "he feels like 
a being when he touches me."
The exam is over. EJ's account is painfully honest and her emotional 
involvement certainly seems authentic. We know that the exam wasn't 
a part of a real abduction, yet the emotional memories could be true 
to a newborn baby's frighteningly novel experiences in the 
deliveryroom -- from the final moments of birth onward. The baby's 
throat and nostrils are often cleared with a suction probe as soon 
as the head emerges; perhaps deposits of vernix are wiped from the 
ears and elsewhere; after birth the umbilical has to be clamped and 
separated; the neonate's eyes and umbilical stump are medicated. 
The baby is weighed, examined, probed, cleansed, and blanketed 
securely -- then presented to the mother maybe wrapped like a 
Should we be surprised that, for the newborn child, some events 
after birth may seem as threatening as birth itself? Think also 
of the comparatively deafening noise level. And certainly of the 
blindingly bright lights everywhere. In fact, the world outside 
of the womb may seem to a neonate -- with good reason -- 
positively alien!

 P 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | QUESTION AREA #6: MESSAGE
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |MC: OK, the examination is over, now, EJ, and you're
| | | | | | | | | | | given a message by the occupants of that UFO. What is
| | |X| | | | | | | | the message?
| | | |X| | | | | |X|EJ: Hm ... They're telling me ... that--earth is an
| | | | | |X|X| | |X| insignificant planet. And that the only thing that
| | | | | | | | | |X| could be important about it is that we might throw off
| | | | | | | | | |X| the balance of the solar system by blowing ourselves
| | | | | | | | |X| | up...Or causing the planet to go out of orbit with
| | | | | |X| | | |X| all the--changes we're making. And that--and told
| | | | | | | | | |X| that, if we don't change our ways, that their--their
| | | | | | | | | |X| people are--have many more advanced ways than us, and
| | | |X| |X| | | |X| they would--destroy the people on the face of the
| | | | | | |X| |X| | earth in order to keep the--balance of the solar
| | | | | |X| | |X| | system. But he--says that they might--take some
| | | | | |X|X| |X| | people from the earth to live on their planet, but it
| | | |X| | | | |X| | wouldn't be very many.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: Where is their planet?
| | | | | |X| | | |X|EJ: It's nearby. It's a nearby solar system. I
| | | | | | | | | |X| don't know any names or anything.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: Did they tell you? Did you ask them?
| | | | | |X|X|X| | |EJ: Alexius.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: Where's this?
| | | |X| | | | | |X|EJ: That's all I've got.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: Can you explain Alexius to us?
| | | | | | | |X|X| |EJ: It's--I think it's the name of a star. Like our sun. And
|P| | | | | |X| |X|X| his planet is there. It's a very watery planet, he says.
|P| | | | |X| | | |X| He says their star is a little weaker than ours. Or maybe
| | | | | | | | |X| | they're further away. But--I guess what he's saying is
|P| | | | |X| | | |X| that it's darker there than on earth.
| | | | | | | | | | |MC: And he's actually--how is he giving you this
| | |X| | | | | | | | message, how is he telling you these things?
|P| | | |X| | | | |X|EJ: He's talking to me in my head.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: In your head. You mean, he's using words, or
| | | | | | | | | | | what?
|P| | | | | | | | |X|EJ: Well, it's like he's moving his mouth, but--the
| | | | | | |X| |X| | words--they're not really words, it's sort of an
|P| | | |X| |X| | |X| understanding, in my head. I can't really hear him
| | | | | | |X| |X| | saying anything. Maybe he speaks in too high a
| | | | | | | | |X| | pitched tone or something. Because he's moving his
|P| | | | | | | | |X| mouth, but I hear it in my head--or seem to
|P| | | |X| |X| | |X| understand it, not really hear it. I just know what
|P| | | | | | | | |X| he's saying.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: How do you feel about this message?
| | | |X| |X| | | |X|EJ: I got to agree with him.
| | | | | | | | | | |MC: All right.
Comments on Question Area #6: Message
I believe the "messages" that aliens give humans in CE3s are ultimately 
symbolic of the communication in maternal/child bonding. Yet bonding 
with these passionless beings has little appeal for EJ, because the 
leader's emotionless demeanor has prevented any true bond from forming 
between them. And it is not even clear which alien gives her the 
message: she says, "They're telling me..." as if the two aliens are 
indistinguishable at this point. Of course, later she says she agrees 
with the message and the "him" who gave it, more about which in a 
There is nothing fresh or very specific about EJ's message, nor does it 
make much sense for aliens from another solar system to "save" ours by 
destroying human life on Earth (especially when there are no known ETIs 
in this system). It is a stereotypical "change your ways" warning: 
Earth's people are a danger to themselves and others in the solar 
system (but who and where?), presumably because of our militaristic and 
environmental policies. If we don't change, EJ's aliens will destroy 
us "in order to keep the...balance of the solar system." A few 
Earthlings might be taken to live with them on their planet, a darker 
and more watery world than Earth. Their sun, weaker than ours, is 
called Alexius (which standard star catalogs and an expert at NASA 
couldn't identify).
"Other realms" occur frequently in "real" CE3s (another parallel). 
It may be that EJ's mention of the alien's home planet is her implicit 
invitation for MC to take her to "another realm," a common segment 
in extended "real" CE3 narratives. She seems very willing to 
prolong her adventure (recall her "life review" TV windows 
EJ is so little involved emotionally at this point that she allows 
MC to move the questions away from the message to a redundant 
exposition of the leader's telepathic mode. When asked what she 
feels, EJ responds, "I got to agree with him." Agree to what? 
To the annihilation of Earth's population by aliens with no more 
emotion than a ladder? Or to the proposition that we should change 
our ways? It's not clear, perhaps because EJ doesn't care enough 
about the leader at this point to make it clear. (Remember, a 
short while before this, she was nervous and apprehensive about 
possible sexual violation. Her relief has turned to something 
close to indifference.)
There is a dramatic contrast here between EJ's apathy and RM's clearly 
joyful response to her bonding "message." The difference is 
significant for the credibility of the Imaginary Abductee series, 
because two separate "witnesses" have reacted to a similar Imaginary 
CE3 situation in almost opposite ways -- i.e., each responded 
independently, as if the situation were not fantasy but reality. 
Yet when their Imaginary CE3 was over, each woke to an understanding 
of the artificial nature of her abduction adventure.
My point is that the Imaginary CE3s are dealing with subjects' 
emotional realities as consistently as allegedly real CE3s do, 
precisely because their narratives are the same things: records 
of the fantasies of alleged abductees. Both Imaginary and "real" 
CE3s are at times elaborate and even intriguing fantasies, but 
neither one is a true history of physically actual events.
To repeat, the significant difference between an Imaginary and a 
real abduction witness is this: both have lived out a fantasy, but 
only one of the two can be certain of not having been deluded.
 P 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
| | | | | | | | | | | QUESTION AREA #7: RETURN
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |MC: Now, you find yourself back in the meadow. Very
| | |X| | | | | | | | safe, very comfortable. How did you get there?
|P| | | | | |X| | |X|EJ: I think I kind of woke up here. I don't remember
| | | | | | |X| | |X| them putting me back down. I just remember kind of
|P| | | | | | | | |X| waking up here.
| | | | | | | | | | |MC: Now, EJ, I want you to kind of look yourself over, and
| | |X| | | | | | | | look yourself over, and--are there any differences
| | | | | | | | | | | about you now? Any changes?
| | | | | | |X| |X|X|EJ: Well, my clothes came back again. And ...
| | | | | | | | | | | let's see ... no, uh--roll up my sleeve, where they
|P| | | | | | | |X|X| took the chunk out of my arm--it appears to be healed
| | | |X| | |X| | |X| in a weird sort of way, I mean that-- the--uh--shape
|P| | | | | | | | |X| of the missing chunk is still there, but the skin is
|P| | | | | |X| | |X| all kind of grown back.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: What's the shape of this?
|P| | | | | |X| | |X|EJ: It looks like the end of a shovel. It's kind of
|P| | | | | | | | |2| like-- straight across one side, and round on the
| | | | | | | | | | | other.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: All right. Anything else you can see about you?
| | | | | | | | | | |EJ: Uh-- I don't think so. Uh . .
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: All right. Uh--how do you feel now?
|2| | |X| |X| | | |X|EJ: I feel a lot--more relaxed. The fresh air feels
| | | |X| |X| | | |X| really good. Uh--just relaxed, kind of, oh...
| | | |X| |X| | | |X| experience.
Comments on Question Area #7: Return
As with many Imaginary and real abductees, EJ does not recall the 
specific details of her return to Earth from the abducting UFO: "I 
think I kind of woke up here. I don't remember them putting me 
back down." Whereas the witness' abduction and initial entry into 
the UFO is generally remembered well, the return to Earth in most 
CE3s, save for a few exceptions, is more often perfunctory and 
poorly detailed. I don't have a clue why this is so, and I don't 
know what it means. It has been referred to as "doorway amnesia" 
and is held to be common, but in my experience it tends to apply 
to the return only; less often to the initial abduction. I have 
found plenty of remembered doorways in both Imaginary and real 
CE3s (one more parallel). Betty Andreasson passes through dozens 
of them, and she remembers them fully; and our Garden Grove 
hoaxer loved to go through doors into other rooms, endlessly. 
I feel strongly that all doorways in CE3 fantasies are linked 
with cervical passage.
MC asks EJ to look herself over for any changes. EJ, in a rather 
droll moment: "Well, my clothes came back again." (EJ, in 
good-doobie deep-trance obedience to MC, who never directed her 
to get her clothes back on after the examination, was naked 
without protest throughout the previous segment with the aliens. 
What happened to her sexual apprehensions?)
Then a major parallel with "real" CE3s pops up. EJ rolls up her 
sleeve, in trance, where the aliens took a skin sample, and the 
"shape of the missing chunk is still there," though it is healed. 
What shape is it? "It looks like the end of a shovel." EJ, 
Imaginary Abductee, has a "scoop mark" on her arm -- in 1977, 
years before scoops and other alien marks were widely known! 
And, of course, it is entirely imaginary: EJ, college student, 
in reality had no scoop marks anywhere. So EJ's Imaginary CE3 
included a detail that even I as an investigator was not well 
informed about at the time. Yet there it is in a subject's 
narrative fantasy -- and only in fantasy. How can that happen?
One person thinks he has a viable theory. David Jacobs, ETH proponent 
and hypnotist of abductees, believes he knows something special about 
EJ (he doesn't name her, though his drift is clear enough), and it is 
this: EJ is a hidden abductee. No wonder she was in deep trance and 
had a great session; no wonder she saw a (near-gray) humanoid. Lawson 
and McCall "did not screen for abductions" (though how in the Hills 
does one do that without cueing the subjects beforehand?). Further, 
Jacobs maintains, we didn't recognize what she was. Jacobs trashes 
our Imaginary study (in Secret Life, 1992), though his account is so 
one-sided and error-laden that it is likely he has not read the 
transcripts closely.
Suffice to say, it is emblematic of ufology's topsy-turvy abduction 
research that Jacobs responds to our study, which holds that 
Imaginary and "real" CE3s are virtually identical -- and hence 
make-believe -- with a mindless claim that one of our make-believe 
cases is real!
So EJ fooled Dr. Jacobs -- to whom we give many thanks, for proving 
yet again that Imaginary/real narratives are so similar they are 
really hard to tell apart.
MC next asks EJ how she feels. "...a lot -- more relaxed..." 
MC: " kind of enjoyed being aboard the flying saucer...?" 
EJ: "Yeah, I think because I felt safe. I don't know why, but I felt 
safe." EJ's positive reaction is consistent with that of many 
abductees, though it may be difficult for some to reconcile it with 
her negative response to the leader's emotionless demeanor, and her 
ongoing sexual apprehension.
But EJ had an upbeat personality, and she may simply have been 
reacting normally to MC's intentional cue for a positive summation 
of her experience. Her last words said it best: " was a 
fascinating experience." 


 P 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
| | | | | | | | | | | QUESTION AREA #8: AFTERMATH
| | | | | | | | | | | 
| | | | | | | | | | |MC: All right, now, EJ, let's imagine that it's been
| | | | | | | | | | | some time since you've had that UFO sighting. Is
| | | | | | | | | | | there anything that indicates that your
| | | | | | | | | | | physical, psychological, or physiological self has
| | |X| | | | | | | | been changed in any way?
| | | | | | | | | |X|EJ: Hm ... don't think anything physically...
| | | | | | | | | | | Uh-- that's hard to say. Certainly has given me
| | | |X| |X| | | |X| a different outlook as far as people go. And as far
| | | | | | | | | |X| as some of the petty things that people get hung up
| | | | | | | | | |X| on. And they--and they think that the only
| | | | | |X| | |X| | people that it's going to affect is themselves. I--
| | | | | | | | | | |MC: Uh--go ahead.
| | | |X| |X|X|X|X| |EJ: I don't feel as though I have any guilt feelings
| | | | | | | | | | | or anything about it.
| | | | | | | | | | |MC: OK. I want you to tell me whether you have had
| | |X| | | | | | | | any other UFO sightings in this period of time,
| | | | | | | | | | | this--projection into the future.
| | | | | | | | | |X|EJ: No.
| | |X| | | | | | | |MC: Have the aliens been communicating with you in
| | | | | | | | | | | any way during this time?
|P| | | |X| | | | | |EJ: Now and then I get the feeling as though I should
|P| | | | | | | | |X| do something with that message. Sometimes I think of
|P| | | |X| |X| | |X| it out of the blue. But I really don't know who to
|P| | |X| | | | | |X| tell it to that would make any difference.
| | | | | | | | | | |MC: All right. Now, this is very important, and I
| | | | | | | | | | | want you to answer this question with the very first
| | |X| | | | | | | | answer that comes to your mind. I don't want you to
| | | | | | | | | | | really think about this answer, I want you to give me
| | | | | | | | | | | this answer out of your subconscious mind. Did Mr.
| | |X| | | | | | | | Lawson cue your information to you about these UFOs?
| | |X| | | | | | | | Did you somehow or other perceive this information for
| | | | | | | | | | | him?
| | | | | | | | |X| |EJ: No. Perceive? No.
| | | | | | | | | | |CLOSING PROCEDURE)
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |(SUBJECT IS AWAKENED)
Comments on Question Area #8: Aftermath
EJ's response to the final question starts out okay, for she talks 
about developing a new outlook (a kind of moral rebirth). But she 
rambles and loses her way, then asserts out of nowhere that she 
has no guilt feelings about her CE3, "or anything about it." We 
can agree with her; but why should she feel guilty? That may be 
worth exploring.
What happens instead? MC is too intent on another agenda to 
control EJ or explore her feelings. MC asks if she has had further 
UFO sightings. (No.) Maybe the aliens have been trying to 
communicate with her? She says, "Now and then I get the 
feeling...I should do something with that message.... But I 
really don't know who to tell it to that would make any 
difference." Normally, that bonding-related response would call 
forth a few final suggestions, followed by the close.
But hold on...MC has a plan. Suddenly he interrupts the Imaginary 
Abductee protocol to ask EJ if Lawson, who was at the time her 
instructor in a literature class, had plotted with her and given 
her cues beforehand to make her Imaginary CE3 seem more convincing. 
Confused and startled, EJ mutters, "No."
I was surprised as anyone, but I understood completely where Bill 
was coming from. Two years before we had had an incredibly effective 
hoaxer/abductee, who led us and a dozen other Southern California 
ufologists on a CE3 merry-go-round for a number of weeks. McCall 
wasn't going to let that happen again. The first week's Imaginary 
CE3s, with RM and JM, had gone well; now this night one of my own 
students was flying high. If all this was another hoax, he wanted 
to know right now.
Of course it wasn't a hoax; the Imaginary study was about 180 
degrees the other way: honest and truthful make-believe, with 
non-delusional fantasy. The fact that our own hypnotist was so 
impressed with the narratives that he suspected fraud is an 
indication of the quality of our results! It also says a lot 
about McCall's intellectual honesty and professional integrity. 
I wasn't offended in the least; I knew Bill couldn't have warned 
me beforehand. In any case I was too happy about our subjects' 
narratives to get steamed, for I too remembered the hoaxer times.
After that, McCall had no reason not to trust our Imaginary results 
(or me, either), and for a while we reveled in them. Yet it was 
nearly another two years before I perceived the perinatal nature of 
CE3 regression narratives, and even longer before I was able 
to come to some understanding of these matters and of their place in 
ufology and human affairs.
-warning message: change our polluting, militaristic ways (moral rebirth)
-EJ is glad for fresh air, she can breathe OK (hypoxia common in neonates)
-aftermath: larger view of human affairs, values; she feels more relaxed; sees
	CE3 as a fascinating experience
-EJ arrives inside UFO in a clear, tubelike, sealed cylinder (echo of amniotic sac)
-"operating tables" with bright light overhead
-"male" aliens frighten her (was her DR nurse or obstetrician male maybe?)
-examination: (routine delivery room bath and cursory exam echoed here)
-EJ naked on table; heart is beating fast
-alien examiner tries to calm her, but fails; he shows no emotion throughout
-her arms, legs strapped down; can't move (neonates are usually wrapped)
-her clothes have "disintegrated" (naked like a neonate)
-they use a machine with odd instruments (in DR, tubes are used for suction
	of body cavities -- nose, ears, throat, anus, etc.; and medication of eyes
	and umbilicus is routine)
-aliens have soft touch fingers, but cold, clammy touch (surgical gloves?)
-exam not painful but bothersome; EJ is sweating
-they feel her head, check out bumps, features (the neonate's fontanels, or
	unfused skull areas, are normally checked carefully)
-they check out her heartbeat; bone structure, toes, ankle, feet, legs
-sweat is sampled from her head and chest (echo of bathing or wiping vernix,
	a normal birth deposit, from neonatal skin)
-they check her breasts, but are not sexually aroused
-they x-ray her genitals and uterus (she seems disturbed by this; was
	a later hospital stay the origin of this memory?)
-take a 'chunk' sample of skin that leaves a spade-shaped scar or "scoop";
	bleeding stopped instantaneously by a spray (EJ's scar recalls
	supposed "scoop marks" of "real" abductees)
-it's a little cool in UFO (birthing rooms are kept cool to help fight bacteria)
-fetal humanoid entities (though six feet tall):
  -no clothes ("they don't need them")       	 
  -skin is like naugahyde                                           
  -no wrinkles, smooth skin		                 
  -no hair--heads are bald, smooth                            
  -eyes large, with a bright stare                            
  -no noses perceived                                            
  -no toes visible                                                 
  -no genitalia evident
  -soft, round mouths; no lips
  -hands smooth, no wrinkles
  -soft, short, round fingers
  -no fingernails or toenails visible
  -no thumb visible; only four digits
  -no expression on their faces 
  -perhaps stockings on feet

-UFO hovers over her silently, then takes EJ up with umbilical-like tube
-inside, a ladder between decks (ladders are placental symbols)
-EJ's sketch twice shows a placental container with umbilical instruments
 	protruding near exam table
-medical instruments -- hoses, tubes for probing and taking samples
-blood test is done quickly with a needle on a long tube
-EJ breathes into a tube (respiration is one major function of the umbilical)
-saliva test down another tube (feeding is the other major umbilical function)
-EJ is sucked aboard thru UFO's bottom, by a "tunnel of air and light"
-she enters the UFO via a clear body tube (vaginal birth echo)
-UFO becomes larger and smaller (size-shifting is common in vaginal birth memories)
-EJ feels like she, too, is growing smaller (common in vaginal birth recall)
-EJ, like all the others, anticipates meeting "someone or something" for bonding
-In EJ's case, however, the "leader" was emotionless, particularly in his dead
 	 eyes and expressionless features
-EJ was turned off and failed to bond -- particularly after a staring session
	 at his dead eyes