
A Tale of the Legion of Super-Heroes


Disclaimer: I don't own these character's, DC Comics does! This is written *only* for the fun or it! Not making a dime here!

Aftermath or tying up loose ends

Cast: M'Onel (Lar Gand/Valor), Umbra (Tasmia Mallor Gand/Tas), Rond Vidar, Omen (Lilith), Starfire (Koriand'r/Kory), Monstress (Candi Pyponte-LeParc III), R. J. Brande, Arsenal (Roy Harper), The Flash (Wally West), Nightwing (Richard 'Dick' Grayson), Troia (Donna Troy), Tempest (Garth) , Linda Parks Harper, Lian Harper, Dolphin, Argent (Toni Monetti)

Story so far: Aboard the Pilgrim IV, in route back to Earth. Lar and Rond are having a *private* conversation about a project they've been working on.

The hall outside of the Mess-hall:

'It's *definately* possible for Lian and Linda, Lar. All we could definitely learn about Dolphin is, she left Atlantis a month after the Titans battle with Brother Blood. She hadn't given birth yet, and *neither* mother or child was ever heard from again!" 'So what's the situation with Lian and Linda, Rond?" 'For *our* purposes *perfect*".

'Their vehicle crashed into a river two months after the Titans disappearance. The wreaked vehicle *was* recovered, but their bodies were *never* found!" "Absolutely perfect! But umm the only way to be fair to Dolphin is, let's see. I'll try to remember enough twentieth century English to program a universal translator. With it we'll make a recorded message for Dolphin, We'll send it with a recorded message, offering her the choice of staying in the twentieth century or joining Tempest here! If she chooses to remain, well that's her right, and Garth will just have to learn to live with it. But at least *we'll* know we did *everything* we could to make the Titans lives here as close to perfect as we could." 'Agreed. Let me know when you have the translator ready. The sooner the better!"

Tasmia and men come looking for them:'Hello my friends, Lar I heard you and your wife are to be congratulated! Umm I had a *very* interesting but confusing premonition last night. If I can be of any help with your project, gentlemen, I am *more* than willing to be of help! Wally , Roy, and Garth have had the *hardest* time adjusting to this century. Only to be expected of course, they left the *most* behind." ' I *tried* to stop her following you guys!"

The two exchange a startled glamce:That's great Lilith, my memory of twentieth century English *isn't* good enough to make the recorded message. Now *you* can do it!" 'Recorded message? I don't understand."

The two quickly explain the plan to Lilith :' Of course I'll do it! 'Glad to hear that, once we have the recorded message for Dolphin, we can proceed." Rond interjects:'But we don't want to get Garth's hopes up, just in case she chooses to remain in the twentieth century." 'You can send the message right away! But, what about Linda and Lian? Can you bring them? Roy, Wally, and Garth would be thrilled! And don't worry,I *know* they'll all come thru the time slip just fine!When do we start?"

'Well, you can come to my lab, as soon as we land. We'll make the message then send it. But don't tell the others, just in case she decides to stay were she is! Also the conditions have to be right to try a timeslip."

'Yes, Rond, I'll do everything I can to help!" 'Lar my love, I think we *all* better get back to the others *before* they start wondering *what* we're doing!" Lar nods assent. The four friends return to the Mess-hall.

Montsress hails them:' THERE YOU ARE! I was about to come looking for you! Tasmia, we have to plan your baby shower!" ' Huh baby shower? What in the Ancestors names is *that*?"

'Troia told me it's a party, each guest brings you a present for the baby! Clothes,diapers , toys, everything imaginable for the little one! It sounds like *such* fun!" 'umm Candi, the expectant mother *doesn't* help plan *or* prepare for a baby shower. She just comes, and accepts the gifts!"

'Ooh dear! Well, then hmm would *you* like to help me plan the shower, Lilith? Hmm maybe Tinya or Ayla would like to help too, and Laurel! She's your cousin by marriage now right Tasmia?" ' Yes Candi she is, but she's a newlywed! She may be too umm busy to have time for party planning!" 'Of course dear, but we should at *least* ask her! It's *her* decision to make after all! If we *don't* ask, her feelings might be hurt!"

Risa announces:' We'll be landing at Legion HQ in three minutes!"

R.J.Brande walks up to Lar and claps him on the back:'Well, my boy, your wedding was *certainly* unique!" Lar grimaces:' OOH yes, *that's* the understatement of the century! Please Roa let it *stay* unique! I'm not sure we could *survive* another wedding like it!"

'Umm yes you *do* have a point there! But hopefully the next Legion wedding will be *much* less umm eventful!" 'We can but hope so, sir." 'Now, Lar what are you planning to do about Meta?"

'Grrr probably beat the living daylights out of him! Unfortunately, I'm *not* healed enough to do it now,and I won't be for several weeks! But if I find out he supplied Rarvan and the rest who attacked us with the anti-lead serum, I'm not sure *how* to act. I *can't* take him back to Daxam, but the UP doesn't have a prison facility that can *definately* hold the bastiche!"

'Yes, well no need to worry about *that* until we know for sure he *is* indeed guilty of the crime!" 'The basicity *is* guilty of a crime all right, of genocide! Meta *is* Roxxas, sir, and I'm going to *see* that he pays the price for his crimes!"

'GREAT GODS OF SPACE! ROXXAS THE BUTCHER! *And* he's *convinced* the rest of the UP and AP that *he's* VALOR!! Gods, what a mess! There'll be *HELL* to pay when you reveal he's a fraud *and* Roxxas the butcher of Trom!"

Tasmia saunters up to Lar:'So what have you two been talking about that has you looking as grim as death?" 'Meta AKA Roxxas, and how to deal with the bastiche, honey." 'Umm yes, you'll *have* to deal with him, but you have to finish healing first!" 'Yes, so I've told Mr. Brande, and he agrees. But we *still* have to figure out *what* to do with him! The UP doesn't have a prison facility that can hold him for long!"

Lar shudders:' I guess we *could* put him in the Stasis Zone, but I'm reluctant to do that to *anyone* even Roxxas!" 'Well if *anyone* *deserves* to spend eternity in the hellish place, it's Roxxas!"


Rond's lab at the Metropolis Time Institute:

Rond, Lar and Lilith prepared the recorded message for Dolphin. Now they're readying Rond's time cube to send it to the twentieth century :'All right Lar, Lilith, final systems check completed! Sending the message beacon now!" The Time cube flares brightly as the message beacon slips into the timestream. Lar is manning the time scope:' I have an image of Dolphin. She's seen the beacon! Lilith, the seawater tank is ready?" 'All set, Lar, all she has to do is get in!" 'She's pressed the recall/accept button! She and the beacon are coming back!"

The time cube flares again, Dolphin and the beacon appear. ' Tell her everything'll be all right, Lilith. That we'll get Garth and the rest of the Titans here as soon as we retrieve Lian and Linda!"

While they get her settled, Rond programs the new space/time coordinates into the time cube:'Lar you brought the medi-kits, just in case? We don't know *what* kind of injuries we *may* have to deal with. Of course, we *may* get lucky and they'll *both* be uninjured!"

Lar's back at the time scope, he answers Rond over his shoulder:'Yes, they're ready *if* needed. I'm getting an image, it's the car plunging into the river!" ' All right I've locked onto the two in the car! Timeshift in 5..4..3..2..1..Now!"

The time cube flares again, two soaking wet figures lay on it's floor. Lilith rushes to the cube:'Ooh God! Linda, Lian are you all right?" Coughing and spewing water Linda answers groggily:'Omen?!Lilith?!Is it really you? Wwhere's are we? Where's Wally? Where're Roy, Garth, Donna, Kory, and Toni? Are they here too? WHERE IS HERE!!"

She turns to the child huddled beside her:' Lian, Lian honey answer me are you all right? Are you hurt?" Lian retches water, then coughes:'Aunt Linda, what happened? AUNT LILITH! YOU'RE BACK! DADDY WHERE'S DADDY?! I WANT MY DADDY!" "Shush now it's all right, honeypot, Daddy will be here soon!"

Lar uses their psi link to ask Tasmia to bring the rest of the Titans to Rond's lab. While waiting for the others to arrive, the three explain the situation to Linda and Lian. They also provide towels and clean clothes. Linda is just finishing braiding Lian's hair when the remaining Titans and Umbra enter the room. The Titans stop shocked to see Linda, Lian, and Dolphin in the tank.

"OOOH man I don't believe it! LINDA!!! BABY IS IT REALLY YOU?!. He runs to his wife hugging her fiercely...IF I'M DREAMING DON'T WAKE ME UP!" Lain cries:"DADDY, IT'S DADDY!" Arsenal runs to his daughter, hugging her tightly, he cries: "LIAN! OH MAN LIAN, BABY, DADDY MISSED YOU SOO MUCH! How why wha.."

Tempest rushes to the tank:' DOLPHIN! Great Neptune, how did you get here? Are you all right? The baby! Is the baby all right?!"

Nightwing,Troia, Starfire, and Argent walk over to Lilith, Lar, and Rond to demand an explanation: "All right you three TALK TO ME! How'd they get here? Are they here to stay? God*please* tell me their here to stay!" 'Yes, Dick their here to stay!" "Rond and I learned enough to know we *could* bring them here *without* endangering the timestream. Actually, if we *hadn't* brought Linda and Lian here, they'd have *died* in the car crash we err plucked them from. We sent Dolphin a message, giving *her* the choice to come here or not." "By Rhea, this is *wonderful*!" 'GAWWWD I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! LINDA, LIAN, AND DOLPHIN HERE WITH US! IT'S GREAT!" "See my friends, I *told* you all would be well!"

Tasmia hugging her hubby: "Great job Lar, Rond, Lilith!" 'Actually we couldn't have gotten Dolphin without Lilith's help, she recorded the message that explained what we were trying to do to Dolphin!"

Well, everyone, when I left Legion HQ to get the Titans, and bring them here, Candi, Jenni, and Zoe were *very* busy decorating the commissary for a 'WELCOME TO THE THIRTIETH CENTURY LINDA, LIAN AND DOLPHIN' party! We mustn't keep them waiting! *If* you're finished here that is?"

"YIPPEE! A PARTY!! ICE CREAM! CAKE! CANDY! SODA POP! Let's go Daddy, Uncle Dick, Aunt Donna, Aunt Kory, Aunt Lilith, Aunt Toni, Uncle Wally, Aunt Linda, Uncle Garth! Daddy what do I call the lady in the tank with Uncle Garth? And the blue lady? And the man the blue lady's hugging? And the man who's laughing?"

Roy picks up Lian and walks toward the trio:' Lian, meet your *new* Uncle Lar, Aunt Tasmia, and Uncle Rond! The lady in the tank with your Uncle Garth is your Auntie Dolphin. At the party you will meet more new uncles and aunts. But we owe *these* two uncles the most of all! They're the ones who brought you back to me! Thanks guys, I OWE YOU BIG TIME FOR THIS!"

Lar and Rond's was our pleasure, Roy!"

'Ancestors, what are we standing around for? Let's go! IT'S PARTY TIME!!"


At the party *almost* everyone is having a wonderful time. Nightwing stands off to the side, Lar joins him: "Umm Dick I eer I *know* how you feel! Better than *anyone* else! But I'm sorry Dick, the deaths of Bruce and Barbara are too well documented. I found their graves, and umm the remains in them *are* the real thing. There's *no* way to bring either one here for you Dick, I'm terribly sorry, but that's just the way it is. If you want I can take you to their graves."

"Thanks Lar, I'd like that. I guess I *always* knew there'd be *no* way I'd *ever* see Bruce *or* Babs again. Bbut it *still* hurts! God, I'm being a selfish jackass! It's *no* one's fault! And I've got the *rest* of the Titans! That's *more* than *you* had when you *first* got out of the Stasis Zone!"

"True enough Dick, but you're *only* human, don't be soo hard on yourself. You'll adjust, give yourself time! Hmm. You and Kory were *very* close at one time, ever consider umm rekindling the old fires? Or I could get Risa to play match maker for you! There's a *whole* galaxy of eligible whatever you want to try for out there you know!"

"You sic Risa in matchmaker mode on me Lar, and I'll *find* a way to kill you! I've heard and seen enough of Risa in action to know she'd drive me INSANE! Though umm, I *might* consider Kory and me again, we *both* made mistakes the first time, but we're both older and hopefully wiser! Or maybe I'll just lay back and relax, and let whatever's going to happen, just happen!"

"HA HA HA HA HA sure Dick whatever you say, though I *think* my *wife* would have something to say if you *did* try to kill me! Just remember, there're a *lot* of potential matchmakers in your life *already*!"

"THERE YOU TWO ARE! WHY SO GLUM? You don't like the decorations? Or ooh my dear Dick! I'm sorry! I completely forgot! *You* still have loved ones back in the twentieth century! Lar any chance?"

"No, Candi, unfortunately, as I already explained to Dick here..." . "OOH WELL we'll *just* have to help you make the best of life here, Dick! I KNOW! Dick do you prefer males or females? We'll just have to find you *someone* to love here!"

Dick covers his face with his hands and whimpers : "She's joking right? *PLEASE* tell me she isn't going..." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! OOH GODS it hurts to laugh! Sorry Dick, I *wouldn't* lie to you like that! She's dead serious about it! WHOOP HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! You are on your own, I gotta get out of here! HAHAHAHAHAH! I'm going to bust a gut, if I don't stop laughing!"

The End?