Tomatosoup with corn or lentils serves 4

2 tins of highly concentrated tomato-puree
1 tin of chopped tomatoes
4 stock cubes
1 tin of corn or: 6 tbs (red)lentils
1 tbs basil (dried)
1 tbs chives (dried)
black pepper(powder)

2 liter water

Mind: lentils need to well up: put them in cold water a few hours before you start to cook. Unless you prefer corn.

Pour the water in a big pan and heat it. Add the tomato-puree and stir till it solves. Than put in the corn, unless you use lentils. Crumble the stock cubes and add these, while you keep heating the soup. After about 5 minutes add the chopped tomatoes. Than add the basil, chives, pepper and corn. When the soup is nicely hot it is ready.

Good with a salad and bread or with potatoes.

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