Welcome to the Expert's Rumors and Nit-picks.

Here you can find out what's going on with upcoming episodes, and find out what's in store for Animorphs next season. Newest info is in gold. .

Nitpicks: Episode One

My name is The Expert. I cannot tell you my real name...They will find me. I can only offer you this...Info on the Yeerks and on the only five human lifeforms that can destroy them....ANIMORPHS!

Keep in mind, every thing on this page should be taken with a grain of salt.


"Why did they make this episode a Cassie adventure? It's supposed to be Rachel!!!!" I have been told this by many people. And I will give you an answer to why Rachel was replaced by Cassie. The writers were thinking of writing this story into a script. There was one simple problem. Rachel has narrated too many episodes, and Cassie hasn't. That's it. So they just switched the character's positions in this story. Big deal. If you now look at the facts that I have stated, you would see it made more sense to make this a Cassie adventure. }

After watching the episode at Ani HQ, I saw that they made it a cliffhanger. Originally, it WAS supposed to have a happy ending because of fear that Nickelodeon would rearrange the order (Which they did, but they promised not to change the cliffhanger ep) So if you don't want spoilers, cover your eyes NOW!



. warning


. spoilers


. ahead!


. Tobias turns back to human....Rachel morphs into a yeerk and controls Tobias...Marco is tripped in the yeerk pool...Jake morphs into his brother...tada! Thats the jist of it. The story will be solved next season. So it is really a 3 part arc.


Animophs: "The Invasion Series" Part 1 video is now out at your local video store. It turns out that some stores got the video in earlier than others. (For Example: SunCoast Video). It has officially come out Feb 16th. The Video is titled "The Invasion Begins" which features the first three episodes together. It is supposed to be the whole story of the first book "Invasion."
The second video will be called "Nowhere to Run." I am only guessing on this but it will be the next 3 episodes (or 3 other episodes). It seems from what it looks like on the cover, that one of the episodes will be "The Reaction." If you'd like to order it online in advance, click here.

NOTE: Both episodes will feature footage that was cut for TV purposes.


Christopher Ralph has decided to stay and see what will become of the second season of Animorphs. But, he may leave in the middle of the season. More on this later.


Since I had some business to take care of this last year, I had to leave the set after "The Leader" arch, so I cannot tell for sure. So this is a rumor until I get more info. The season finale of Animorphs may be a cliffhanger ending. I will give you more info on this after I speak with Marc Scott.


It is confirmed that one of the Ani-Videos coming out will feature the two parter "My Name is Jake" episode (As if you couldn't guess they would put the first two episodes on video.) The price will be $14.99 and will be on video Febuary 9th, 1999 To order it online for a lower price ($12.99) go here.

Oh, and the Animorphs video will be called, "The Invasion Begins", which is odd because that is not the offical title.

When the second season of Animorphs starts, Christopher Ralph (a.k.a Tobias) may not return. He has said before he was having a "difficult time" with the cast and crew. He has also been offered a job on a new Canadian drama ("Snow City"???) Since Ralph is the oldest of the stars (22) he needs a higher pay. The crew is considering giving him a raise in pay...But Ralph hasn't decided yet...


The following is a rumor from a site called AniFilies:

"An Animorphs movie is to be released by the fall of 2000. The release of it relies on the success of the Nickelodeon TV show. It will cost about 15 million dollars, almost as expensive as Titanic!"

Well, let me remind you all that if there will be an Animorphs Movie (Which is strongly being considered) it will be a Nickelodeon/Paramount production. And nether company will get that much money for a kid's television show turned movie. So this is a crushed rumor.

Animorphs videos will be coming out in spring 99'.


There is a buzz around the set that the Animorphs television show will only last around 2 or 3 seasons. It turns out that the old shows on Nick get about the same ratings as the new shows. So there is no reason to spend (or waste) more money on new seasons. But, the executives of Animorphs will not give up with out a fight.

That's it for today...I will have more news up as I get it.
