So many Animorphs fans have sent in so many top tens that I decided to add another page for them.

From: Rachel (Cosmic Elllimist)

Top ten ways you can tell Rachel and Tobias like eachother and resions that explain why they do.

10. In megamorphs 1 the line 'Cassie has this theory that Rachel and Tobias like eachother.'
9. In the TV show Sarah says 'Now you have a picture of your new _boyfriend_' after taking a picture of Rachel and Tobias talking.
8. In the TV show Marco tells Jake not to worry about Tobias and says "he's probable chillin' with Rachel," seeing the relationship between them.
7. The line, "On a day like this I'd follow you anywhere, Tobias."
6. The line, 'see, I cared about Tobias, I don't think I even knew how much I cared till right then.'
5. When Marco says, "now Rachel gets to be on the outside when she's always been on the inside." and Tobias VERY defensively snaps, "Shut up, Marco!"
4. His father also married a pretty, blue-eyed, blonde girl who can kick some serious yeerk butt and alot of guys want a girl like the one dad married.
3. They sort of fill in eachother's weak spots. Tobias can fly and, well, Rachel can't, Rachel can open doors where as Tobias would have been totally defeated by a doorknob and so on and so on.
2. The reference to Romeo and Juliet in # 13 "I mean, you'd think Romeo and Juliet were doomed because they came from families that didn't like eachother. Think about caring for someone from a totally different species.
1. They like, no wait, love eachother!!!! (and no one can tell me they don't!)

Top ten funniest things Tobias has said from the books and TV show.

10. Man, I feel like I flew into a wall.
9. You know, David is getting to be a real pain in the butt.
8. Watch it Marco, I have incredible aim.
7. Hold my breath? Now why didn't I think of that?
6. Come here, Marco, come stand under my branch.
5. That's it, this is the last time I fly through a building with you amateurs.
4. Hey, I'm a hawk remember? I'd never even look. (it's so untrue it's funny)
3. Wait a second, you mean I'm in a...and someone just...oh, man.
2. Okay? I have a busted wing, half my tail feathers pulled out or eaten away by stomach acid. On the other hand I am alive.
1. Marco: That kid has a gun! Tobias: Actually, Mrs. Scarlet, I think you should have used the wrench.

From: Tia1046

Top 10 wayz U know U're Obsessed with Animorphs!!!

10) You go around looking for a way to get into a Yeerk Pool.
9)You're convinced you're a nothlit who's really an Andalite but the Ellimist messed up your memory somehow.
8)You go to your friends house,lock yourself in the bathroom, and try to morph into their dog to see if anything happens.
7)You stay away from your friends, afraid that they're Controllers.
6)You just know your parents are Controllers.
5)You think your pets are really the Animorphs in morph sometimes.
4)You see a hawk and assume it's Tobias.
3)You don't kill any bugs afraid that they're the Animorphs in morph.
2)You think that K.A. Applegate is really a Yeerk and the only reason why she writes the Animorphs series is so you think you're not in danger but the truth is that the Yeerks are still here!!!
1)You don't give anyone your last name.

From: Birdmorph

Ten Names they could've used for the Animorphs TV Show (just kidding):

1. As the Dome Ship Turns
2. All my Vissers
3. One Hawk to Morph
4. The Big Comfy Yeerk Pool
5.Rachel the Teenage Animorph
6. Morph Night
7. Live with Rachel and Cassie Lee
8. The Dome Shopping Club
9. Morphs after Breakfast
10. Andalite Hills 90210

From: Warren Ayo


1) It's about Animorphs!!!
2) Cool graphics!
3) Visser Three gets mad!!!!

From: AndliteMC

Top 10 Reason's to like Andalites
1. They have a tail blade
2. There really funny when they morph human
3. They kick but
4. One gave the animorphs the morphing technology
5. I am one of them
6. There grass locks cooler than earth's (check cover of Andalite chronicles)
7. They hate yeerks
8. There really smart
9. There blue(my favorite color)
10. Ax is one of them

From: Mary Fegreus

Ten reasons to like Rachel
1.She is a girl and girls rule!
2.She isn't afraid to say 'let's do it!'
3.She likes Tobias and he's cool.
4.She is an animorph.
5.She can morph.(duh)
6.She loves shopping.
7.She is an awesome gymnast.
8.She knows how to kick some serious alien butt.
9.She hates the yeerks.
10.She can save the world, fight yeerks and still manage to do her homework.

From: ChOcObOXx5

Four Reasons to like Animorphs
1.They fight (unlike goosebumps).
2.They can morph.
3.They have aliens.
4.They're cooler then goosebumps

Animorphs on TV is currently not posting any more top tens for the time being.