Jake: the Leader


Shawn Ashmore plays Jake on the Animorphs television series.

Born: October 7, 1979

Movies he's starred in: X-Men, X2:X-Men United, and X-Men: The Last Stand.

TV Movies: Earthsea, Melanie Darrow, Guitarman (for which he was nominated an award in 1994.)

Notable TV appearances: Smallville in the episodes "Asylum" and "Leech." "Colonel Stonesteel" and "Desperate Empties," episodes of Ray Bradbury Theater, and Disney's "Flash Forward." (Last bit of info sent in by Bryan Grady.)

Hobbies: swimming, tennis, skiing, guitar.

Special talent: Speaks French fluently.

Special fact: he has a twin brother who has starred in some Animorphs TV episodes.


Although Jake wishes less so every day, he is often considered the leader of the Animorphs. He is a strong, intelligent individual whom all the Animorphs feel they can look up to. Jake's battle with the Yeerks became more personal when he discovered that his brother was a Controller.

Age: around 13 or 14

Family: his mother and father, and his brother Tom.

Pets: Homer (a dog)

Hobbies: sports, video games

Secret: he has a crush on Cassie.

Oddball fact: His Internet alias is bball24, the highest amount of points he's ever scored at a basketball game.