
The Facts to Dispell the Fiction

This portion of the site is finally begining to take form...
Below are the topics that will soon be listed here... As well as an estimated date for public viewing for each one...

A section ready for viewing does not mean that it is finished... Only that it has a decent start in it's information content...

NOTE: This section of the site has not been added to in quite some time, and though I do have plans to complete it, it will be completed on the new server where the entire Andromeda site is being moved. I can not give specific dates at this time. Due to the amount of traffic these inactive pages still pull in, I shall leave the pages up until the move is complete, at which time links will be placed leading to the new site location.
Message dated 08/04/00

A Witches Cabinet
Explanations and uses for many items that are often used within witchcraft, as well as definitions of many of the terms. Lists of basic items or various sorts that a Witch may use (i.e. herbs, oils, teas, candles, etc.)

Ready For Viewing... More To Come...

A seperate religon from "witchcraft," Wicca still implores magicks and Wiccan's are often referred to as witches. A brief explanation about the differences, as well as the code, or "rede," that is followed in Wicca.

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A Pagan Altar
What one would normally find upon an altar or a witch. As well as the meanings of the items, thier relevance, and what they represent.

To Be Announced

Sabbats and Esbats
This section includes the dates of the major and minor Sabbats (Pagan Holidays) and the relevance and purpose of each holiday to a witch. It details other times of gathering as well.

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Initiation (And Other First Degree Courses)
How to self-dedicate yourself into paganism. Basic "how-to's" for a beginner witch, as well as certain "tricks" and "tools" of the trade. An explanation of ceremonail and sympathetic magic, etc....

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Book of Shadows/Grimoire
This is the largest category in this particular section of the site. It gives many sample "rites" (or rituals) of important ceremonies that are performed in withcraft. It also gives many useful and practical spells for the modern day witch.

Ready For Viewing... More To Come...

The History of Paganism/Witchcraft
As it states., the history of paganism, and the history of witchcraft, in various forms. (There is a slight difference.) As well as an explanation of what they are,and are not.

To Be Announced

The Pantheon
The Lord and Lady have many various forms. An Indroduction to the many faces and atributes to the God and the Goddess.

To Be Announced

The history of the famous "Burning Times," as well as the many tortures that the acussed endured due to Spanish Inquisition and the Witch Scare that covered much of western Europe. The Church's involvment. Many actual cases and trails that concern witchcraft, both modern court cases and those of old (The Salem Witch Craft Trails are found in this section).

To Be Announced

Various Other Beliefs
What some Pagans do and do not believe in. Also, various views on Witchcraft, Paganism, and Magick in general. Lists and explanations of several magickal practices such as: astrology, numerology, herbalism, stones, I-Ching, Tarot, etc; and simple "how-to's" on these categories.

To Be Announced

Since April 02, 1999

The Witchcraft Sections Were Last Updated:
October 20, 1999

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