The Orgins of Nosferatu

This is my personal essay on my feelings as to how nosferatu came to be as I know it...

In the beginning came the Great Infector... For he was man... and The Great Healer... For she was woman... From whence these two came... No one could know... For man already exsisted... but culture... society... civilazation... That did not...

And they were the orignal couple... They choose their four children... And became our parents... The Great Mother and Father... He infected... and could spread only death... But she gave everlasting life... and the abilty to recreate that which was death in suspension... He killed and made them the dead... She gave them the immortal life that would give them eternity...

To each of her children she gave a single vail... The only way to reverse the disease that He had given... spread within the Four's viens... pumping their heart to an insatiable hunger... a thirst... This would be release... and take away the death... to give life anew... so they may one day die...

And from then the Mother and Father were known of no more... Only that the Father had made them cursed... and the Mother could bless and heal that which was infected... and they were known in dreams and myths to the Four... but nothing more... And the Four forgot those that created them... knew not the purpse of a vail they had always known... Thought themselves the orginal... and moved on...

Of the Four there was two of each gender... and though they could not remember being mortal... They knew they were more... and should guide those weaker... help them learn... and see... as they saw... and drink as they drank... and sate their hunger and keep them company...

One of the Four... one of the men... declined this... and sucluded himself for centuries... feeding his hungar but not taking company or making others...

The Three that were left did not did not...
And they were the Creators now...
The Three seperated... and the Ladies made others... and the Lord made others... and the disease spread...

Those made continued to make...
And so the plague spread...

And all those made were the nosferatu... The "plague bringers"

And so we shall remain...

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