Ok thats me and my stuffed monkey named Max (yes I still have stuffed animals)
Don't be scared....it's just me
Hi!! I'm Amanda. I'm 17 live in Iowa....have no life.  (obviously or I wouldn't have took the time to make this page) Um.....yeah... I like taking pictures,drawing, and like reading... yeah call me a nerd DUH!!  I also have a huge love for pericings and music. Well I guess I do sort of have a life I go to school and I work....if you call where I work working...good old movie theaters!!! The pay sucks but the job is easy.
It's me and my bestest best buddy...BERTA!!! She's so goofy...must  be why we're friends!!
Awww isn't that cute it's me and Travis.... He's another one of my bestest best friends....even if we aren't going out anymore... I still LOVE him very much...and probally always will!!
My Piercings!!!
My left ear!
My Tounge!!
My eyebrow (I no longer have..thanks mom!!)
Well this is my page...I suppose....if you wanna chat or  whatever I'm usually on aol under Crazysporkgirl or you can always e-mail me which is Crazysporkgirl@yahoo.com but anyways I'm boring I'm sorry!! LoL well yeah  I'll think of something to add later bye!!
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