Fanfiction Forum

Ever had the perfect idea for a fan-fic, but couldn't figure out an ending?  Ever just thought of one cool scene, but not an entire story?  How about a character that would be so perfect... if only he/she had a story.  Well this is the place for you. You can post your ideas, or look for idea from others.  There is no limit to how many you can post, and no idea is to large or two small. (Although oneliners are not appreciated).  Welcome to the Fanfiction Forum!

There are currently NO ideas stored here.  Come on people! Let's get creative!

If the entire title and URL won't fit, write it in with your idea.

Warning!  Once you post your idea here, it is public, and can be used by anyone.  I'll try to keep tabs on who uses the forum, but anyone can read this. 


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