Dharma Home

Who are We?

Dharma Clan is a group of people who belong to a close-knit community within the game Nexus. We are generally harmonious with a cheerful outlook. We have a clan hall where we meet with several helpful non-player characters who specialize in buying/selling items and crafting. We also have a player-killer arena. Go to the screenshots for pictures of our hall.

NinaP There is always something fun to do at Dharma. There are at least two official clan hunts a day and always a clan quest. We often have crafting drives to encourage our members to excel in their crafting arts. Out Primogen is NinaP (picture on the left) and we have several council members who serve the clan.

Nexus, The Kingdom of the Winds

Enter Nexus Nexus is an online, two-dimensional roleplaying game where you can create a character and advance in a specialized path as a rogue, warrior, poet or mage. Available activities are hunting, crafting, socializing and roleplaying. People from all over the world can play together and find a niche to achieve in.

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