James T. Kirk's Movie Quotes

  1. "An object of unbelievable distructiveness is headed toward Earth. Enterprise is the only vessel that stands in it's way." -- Kirk, TMP
  2. "And an untried Captain..." -- Scotty, "Two and a half years as Chief of Starfleet Operations might have made me a bit rusty, but I wouldn't consider myself untried." (Scotty looks at Kirk in astonishment) "They gave her back to me." -- Kirk, "Gave her back? I doubt it was that easy with Nogura." -- Scotty, TMP
  3. "I need you Bones...badly." -- Kirk, TMP
  4. "That's all we know about it...except that it is now 53.4 hours from Earth." -- Kirk, TMP
  5. "Bones, please...We need him...I need him. -- Kirk, TMP
  6. "Spock, transmit now..." -- Kirk, TMP
  7. "How do you define unwarranted?" -- Kirk, TMP
  8. "The...Decker unit can assist you with greater efficiency." -- Kirk, TMP
  9. "If V'ger destroys the Enterprise, the information V'ger requires will be destroyed with it." -- Kirk, TMP
  10. "V'ger...we are the creator." -- Kirk, TMP
  11. "When it rains, it pours." -- McCoy, "You, of all people, should know the dangers of reopening old wounds." -- Kirk, "Sorry." -- McCoy, TWOK
  12. "We have a problem. Something may be wrong in Regula One. We've been ordered to investigate." -- Kirk, "If memory serves, Regula One is a scientific research laboratory." -- Spock, "I told Starfleet Command all we have is a boat load of children, but...we're the only ship in the quadrant. Spock these, cadets of yours, how good are they, how will they respond under real pressure.?" -- Kirk, "As with all living things, each according to his gifts. Of course, the ship is yours." -- Spock, "No, that won't be necessary. Just get me to Regula One." -- Kirk, "As a teacher on a training mission, I am content to command the Enterprise. If we are to go on actual duty, it is clear that the senior officer on board must assume command." -- Spock, "It may be nothing...garbled communications. You take the ship..." -- Kirk, "Jim...you proceed from a false assumption. I am a vulcan. I have no ego to bruise. -- Spock, "You're about to remind me that logic alone dictates your action?" -- Kirk, "I would not remind you of that which you know so well. If I may be so bold...it was a mistake for you to accept promotion. Commanding a Starship is your first best destiny. Anything else is a waste, of material." -- Spock, "I would not presume to debate you." -- Kirk, "That is wise. In any case, were I to invoke logic, logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few." -- Spock, "Or the one." -- Kirk, "You're my superior officer. You are also my friend. I have been and always shall be yours." -- Spock, TWOK
  13. "Admiral, the Commander of the Reliant is signaling. He wishes to discuss terms of our surrender..." -- Uhura, "Put it on screen." -- Kirk, "Admi..." -- Uhura, "Do it. While we still have time." -- Kirk, "On screen sir." -- Uhura, "K H A N..." -- Kirk, "You still remember, Admiral. I cannot help but be touched. I, of course, remember you." -- Khan, "What is the meaning of this attack? Where is the crew of the Reliant?" -- Kirk, "Ah, surely I have made my meaning plain? I mean to avenge myself upon you, Admiral. I've deprived your ship of power, and when I swing around, I mean to deprive you of your life. But I wanted you to know first who it was who had beaten you." -- Khan, "Khan, if it's me you want, I'll have myself beamed aboard. Spare my crew." -- Kirk, "I make you a counter-proposal. I'll agree to your terms if...if, in addition to yourself you hand over to me all data and material regarding the project called, Genesis." -- Khan, "Genesis? What's that? -- Kirk, "Don't insult my intelligence, Kirk." -- Khan, "Give me some time to recall the data on our computers." -- Kirk, "I give you...sixty seconds, Admiral." -- Khan, TWOK
  14. "Khan. How do I know you'll keep your word?" -- Kirk, "Oh, I have given you no word to keep, Admiral. In my estimation you simply have no alternative." -- Khan, "I see your point...Prepare to receive our transmission...Here it comes." -- Kirk, TWOK
  15. "Mr. Saavik...You go right on quoting Starfleet Regulations. In the meantime, let's see how badly we've been hurt." -- Kirk, TWOK
  16. "Where are we going?" -- McCoy, "Where they went." -- Kirk, "What if they went...nowhere?" -- McCoy "Then, this'll be your big chance to get away from it all." -- Kirk, TWOK
  18. "I don't believe in the no-win scenario." -- Kirk, TWOK
  19. "Kirk to Enterprise. Spock it's been two hours. Are you ready?" -- Kirk, "Give us your coordinates, and we'll beam you aboard." -- Spock, "I don't like to lose." -- Kirk, TWOK
  20. "Khan, I'm LAUGHING at the SUPERIOR intellect." -- Kirk, TWOK
  21. "Saavik was right. You never have faced death." -- David Marcus, "No...not like this. I've cheated death, tricked my way out of death, and then patted myself on the back for my ingenuity. I know nothing." -- Kirk, "You knew enough to tell Saavik, that the way we face death is at least as important as the way we face life." -- David Marcus "Just words..." -- Kirk, "But good words. I was wrong about you, and I'm sorry." -- David Marcus, "Is that what you came to say?" -- Kirk, "Mainly. And that I'm proud, very proud, to be your son." -- David Marcus, TWOK
  22. "Of my friend, I can only say this: Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most...human." -- Kirk, TWOK
  23. "The word...is no. I am therefore going anyway." -- Kirk, TSFS
  24. "May the wind be at our backs. Stations." -- Kirk, TSFS
  25. "Klingon...you've killed my son..." -- Kirk, TSFS
  26. "Sorry about your crew, but as we say, ce la vive. I have what you want. I have the secret of Genesis. But you're going to have to beam us up to get it. I'm waiting for you. What is your answer?" -- Kirk, TSFS
  27. "I...have had...enough of...you." (kicks Christopher Lloyd off the cliff into the molten lava below) -- Kirk, TSFS
  28. "Help us, or die." -- Kirk, "I do not deserve to live." -- Maltz, "Fine, I'll kill you later." -- Kirk, TSFS
  29. "Take the prisoner below." -- Kirk, "Wait. You said you'd kill me." -- Maltz, "I lied." -- Kirk, TSFS
  30. "If I hadn't tried the cost would have been my soul." -- Kirk, TSFS
  31. "Let the record show, that the crew of the late Starship Enterprise, has voted unanimously to return to earth and face the consequences of their actions in the rescue of their comrade, Captain Spock." -- Kirk, TVH
  32. "Everybody remember where we parked." -- Kirk, TVH
  33. "Eighteenth century American. Quite valuable." -- Store Owner, "How much will you give me for them?" -- Kirk, "Well, they'd be worth more if the lenses were intact." -- Store Owner, "Excuse me, weren't those a gift from doctor McCoy?" -- Spock, "And they will be again. That's the beauty of it... How much?" -- Kirk, "I'll give you...a hundred dollars." -- Store Owner, "Is that alot?" -- Kirk, (Store Owner shrugs his shoulders), TVH
  34. "I think we'll find what we're looking for at the cetatian institute in Salsalito. Pair of humpback whales named George and Gracie." -- Kirk, "How do you know this?" -- Spock, "Simple logic." -- Kirk, TVH
  35. "Oh him? He's harmless. He was part of the free speach movement at Berkley. I think he did a little too much LDS." -- Kirk, TVH
  36. "You were at Berkley? -- Gillian, "I was not." -- Spock, "Memory problems too." -- Kirk, "Where are you from?" -- Gillian, "I'm from Iowa." -- Kirk, "Oh, land lover..." -- Gillian
  37. (beep, beep, beep)..."What's that?" -- Gillian, (beep, beep, beep)...What's what? -- Kirk, (beep, beep, beep)..."You have a pocket pager."...(beep, beep, beep)..."Are you a doctor?" -- Gillian, (Kirk answers the beep)..."What is it? I thought I told you never to call." -- Kirk, "We just thought you'd like to know...we're beaming them in right now." -- Scotty, "Alright, tell them, 'Phasers on stun. Good luck.', Kirk out." -- Kirk, TVH
  38. "Don't tell me...you're from outer space." -- Gillian, "No, I'm from Iowa. I only work in outer space." -- Kirk, TVH
  39. "Well, 'Admiral' that was the briefest dinner I've ever had. And certainly the most cocamamy fish story I've ever heard." -- Gillian, "You asked. Tell me something. George and Gracie's transponder, what's the frequency?" -- Kirk, "Sorry, that's classified. (Kirk starts to leave) Look, I don't know who you are, really. You wouldn't want to take me aboard your 'spaceship' now would you?" -- Gillian, "That wouldn't be my first choice, no." -- Kirk, "Well. Here we are." -- Gillian, "Let me tell you something. I'm here to bring two humpback whales into the twenty-third century. If I have to, I'll go to the open sea. I'd much rather have yours. It's better for me. It's better for you. It's better for them. Think about it." -- Kirk, "Who are you?" -- Gillian, "Think about it. But don't take to long. I'm out of time. If you change your mind, here is where I'll be." -- Kirk, "Here? In the park." -- Gillian, "Yes." -- Kirk, TVH
  40. "The whales are gone. They were shipped out last night; I wasn't told. -- Gillian, "What!? -- Kirk, "But you can find them, right??? -- Gillian, "We can't go anywhere." -- Kirk, "What kind of spaceship is this?" -- Gillian, "It's a spaceship with a missing man!!!" -- Kirk, TVH
  41. "How's the patient, doctor?" -- Guard, "He's going to be fine." -- Kirk, "He? But you brought in a she?" -- Guard, "One little mistake..." -- Kirk, TVH
  42. "Don't you have something better to do? Go pester doctor McCoy." -- Kirk, TFF
  43. "I do not believe you realize the gravity of your situation." -- Spock, "(Kirk almost loses his grip) Believe me, gravity is foremost on my mind." -- Kirk, TFF
  44. "Spock, I appreciate you trying to help, but if you don't stop pestering me, I might FFFAAAAAALLLLLLLLL!!!!!!" -- Kirk, TFF
  45. "All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by." -- Kirk, TFF
  46. "Burbon and beans an explosive combination." -- Kirk, TFF
  47. "I've always known...I'll die alone." -- Kirk, TFF
  48. "SHOOT HIM!!!" -- Kirk, TFF
  49. "I don't want my pain taken away! I NEED my pain!" -- Kirk, TFF
  50. "I lost a brother once...I was lucky I got him back." -- Kirk, TFF
  51. "Excuse me...Why does 'god' need my ship?" -- Kirk, TFF
  52. "You vouched for me?" -- Kirk, "They're dying." -- Spock, "Let them die." -- Kirk, TUC
  53. "I've never trusted a Klingon. And I never will. I'll never forgive them for the death of my boy." -- Kirk, TUC
  54. "Note to kitchen: No more romulan ale during diplomatic dinners." -- Kirk, TUC
  55. "Where's that darn torpedo?" --Kirk, "She's ready Jim, lock and load." --McCoy, "Fire!" --Kirk, TUC
  56. "Some people find the future very frightening." -- Kirk, TUC
  57. "Captain's log Stardate 9529.1: This is the final cruise of the starship Enterprise under my command. This ship and her history will shortly become the care of another crew. To them and thier posterity will we commit our future, they will cotinue the voyages we have begun, and journey to all the undiscovered countries, 'boldly going where no man, no one has gone before.'" -- Kirks final Captains log on the Enterprise, TUC
  58. "I was never that young." -- Checkov, "No, you were younger." -- Kirk, Generations
  59. "It just wouldn't be the Enterprise without a 'Sulu' at the helm." -- Kirk to Demora (Sulu's Daughter), Generations
  60. "You know, I'm glad you're an engineer...with tact like that, you'd make a lousy psychiatrist." -- Kirk, Generations
  61. "Phasers.........let me guess, Tuesday." -- Kirk, Generations
  62. "I was out saving the Galaxy while your grandfather was still in diapers." -- Kirk to Picard, Generations
  63. "Ever think of retiring?" -- Kirk, "Not planning on it." -- Picard, Generations
  64. "Every time I've jumped that, it's scared me half to death, except for just now, because it's not real." -- Kirk, Generations
  65. "Let me guess, the odds are against us, and the situation is grim". -- Kirk, Generations
  66. "If Spock were here, he would probably say I would be acting like an irrationl, illogical human being to take on a job like this. Sounds like fun." -- Kirk, Generations
  67. "Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge, of that ship. Because as long as you're there, you can make a difference." -- Kirk to Picard, Generations
  68. "It was the least I could do, for the Captain of the Enterprise." -- Kirk, Generations
  69. "Did we do it? Did we make a difference?" -- Kirk, Generations
  70. "It was fun....Oh my." -- Kirk's Final Words, Generations

"The man on top walks a lonely street; the 'chain' of command is often a noose." -- Kirk, (Anyone know where this quote came from?)

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