
Fionn - 03/25/99 08:32:15
My Email:psi0929@orca.mila.edu.pl

fajowo!!! :) (i hate this word) Milusia strona o tym co najlepsze

andy hughes - 03/05/99 23:49:29
My Email:andyhughes@hotmail.com

Da iawn, rydw i newydd cael cyfrifiadur a dwi'n trio i ddysgu Polska. Fe fydda y tudalen hwn yn helpu. Very good, I've just got a computer and I am learning Polish. Your page will help me Diolch Andy

Aetheling - 02/17/99 20:18:53
My URL:http://www.andre-norton.org/highhallack
My Email:aethel@wa.onet.pl

A very good page, my dear Llywelyn. Or should I say Llywelyn M. Ercestres? P.S. My magical elven bow is slowly rusting in the corner. I'm coming home in approx. 4 weeks' time.

10/27/98 10:01:22
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

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