Gracie: Horses must be deaf because you see so few of them at concerts.

George: Gracie, why should I give your mother a bushel of nuts? What'd she ever do for me?
Gracie: Why, George, she gave you me. And I'm as good as nuts.

Gracie: What's the difference between an umbrella and a pickle?
George: You're making this up?
Gracie: Yes.
George: What's the difference between an umbrella and a pickle? [Thinks for a moment.] I give up.
Gracie: Oh? I give up too.
George: I thought you said you made up riddles.
Gracie: I do. I make up riddles. I don't make up answers.

Gracie: If I say the right thing, please excuse me.

Gracie: Has you're mother ever told you about the birds and the bees; how the bees carry pollen from flower to flower on their feet? I've tried it and believe me it's nothing.
George: I'm glad you told me. I was about to take my shoes off.
