The Adopted Boy

Boudreaux and Ruby decide to adopt a young boy. They went to the local orphanage and a 13 year old boy was available. Ruby twisted Boudreaux's arm and they got the approval and were able to take the lad home with them.

A few days later; a social worker from the orphanage called Ruby and told her that she would make a surprise visit later in the month to see how things are going and if the young chap is getting along alright.

Three weeks past and sure enough the worker made her surprise visit and found Boudreaux and the young boy about to go boating out in the bayou.

She asked the boy how he was doing and he said he was fine. She asked if he got enough exercise every day.

The boy replied,"Yes M'am! I get in dot boat everyday with Daddy Boudreaux and we paddle 7-8 miles deep in the bayou and we stop and he throw me in the water and he paddle home den I swim all de way back!"

She exclaimed in shock, "Oh my God! That's Terrible!!!"

The boy looked at her; smiled and then said, "Oh mais, it ain't that bad ........once you got out of the tow sack!"
